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Am I fool????

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It was a winter morning and I had to be at work 9am, so I ran out to start up my car and take the ice off my windshield. That's when his blue 85 Chevy stopped, parked and asked to help me get the ice off the car, I said no, although I wanted to say yes because I was very attracted to him. A few months passed and I felt guilty about how I said no to him. With him only living a complex up from my apartment. I proceeded in leaving a note on his car to say sorry for being rude, and left my number for him to call if he wanted to talk. A day passes and I get a phone call from, and I asked " do you have a girlfriend," and he replies" yes". So I tried to end the conversation. But I really didn't want to it was something about this guy, and he didn't either. So, we meet later that night and we had a connection that was out of this world. Just let me put it like this he spent the night with me that night but there was no sleep. He kept wondering why didn't I talk to him on that snow day, because if I did. He would've been mines. At the time I thought, ok yeah he has a girl, but Im horny and he is fine ass hell and plus its something about this boy. Next day I try to break it off, and leave it as a one night stand, he did also. But when I did that he asked to come over just as friends, and watch a movie. And I said yeah, every since then he has became my best friend, we went through alot and learned to love each other. But the sex never stopped. Feelings were getting to deep. I wanted to be with him, I think I deserve all his attention. Plus, his girlfriend was never there, she would come around four times out of the month and spend a hour with him. Finally I told him I couldn't do this anymore, and made him tell his girlfriend about me. And so he did, because if he didn't I was. I loved him so much and to be honest I am still in love with him. But he choose her, and told me he couldn't talk to anymore because he wanted to make it work with her. I couldn't understand. I felt like I was there and she wasn't I showed him how a relationship is supposed to be. He is going to try to make it happen with her, when it just happened for us. She was not there doing her job as a girlfriend, and didn't spend time with him at all. When he needed something he was never there, like when he car was put in shop. I was there, no questions asked. He spent all his time with me. Told me that he felt more comfortable around me then he did with his own girlfriend. He says he was in love with both of us, but she was there first and he thinks thats the right thing to do. I believe it was the guilt that she and his mother put on his brain and heart. But anyways he changed his number and said goodbye to me, and that he will never forget my number. He had to stop talking to me to build trust up with her. She is scared that he will come back to me if he continues to talk to me. He told he has feelings and that loved me. Now, she is coming around almost everyday, and giving me this look. They have been together for 1 year, and him and I, 7 months(everyday together and never tired of each other) I don't understand why, and are they truly happy like their are trying to portray? I can't even call him if I needed him and the hurts so bad. Please help me! Do you think they truly love each other and I am just a fool?

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Christina, sorry if I sound a little biased about this.


But WHY does the other woman always think they're going to end up with the man? I mean sure, it happens sometimes, but very rarely, even if he is with you more, YOU ARE JUST A FLING and he does not want to have a serious relationship with you. He does not love this other girl but he doesn't love you either. You simply fulfill his urge to have sex. The other girl is trying to do everything she can to retain his man including asking him to change his number, and the fact that he is trying to work things out with her should SHOW you that he doesn't care about you.


But men love to leave back-up plans :rolleyes:. I hate that. And having you feel for him and want him back makes him feel more of a MAN and does wonders to his ego. To hell with his ego, try to get your life back and forget about him.


Don't mess with men in relationships. It almost never turns out your way. Avoid the added heartache and learn your lesson.

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I would'nt say your're a fool, but you definitely did a foolish thing. It dose'nt matter WHY he chose her, only that he did. Not you.


Here's the thing. You say you spent 7 months with this guy, but how well do you really know him? I've found that relationships that start off really heavy sexually creates a block between two people really getting to KNOW each other.:o

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