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theres this girl, who i started talking to at the end of 4th semester. the last day of school, she skipped her last block just to hang out with her friends but instead she hung out with me. i gave her my number and she called me later on in the summer. we started talking ALOT and we had easily good conversations that would last for HOURS. i told her that i liked her and she told me she liked me back. we wanted to be together (boyfriend-girlfriend) but she had broken up with my friend and she didnt want to be another relationship but i'm like ok because all i needed to know is if she liked me or not and she did. later on in the summer, i felt like the more she knew me, the more she liked me in a different way. she finally told me she liked me as her best GUYFRIEND and i felt bad :(. now we're talking ALOT in school and we give each other hugs and crap. whenever shes alone, i scare her and she like.. hits me playfully. after that we talk a little and when its time to part, we hug eachother.. i noticed that she blushes when she hugs me. today in school, we were talking during our lunch break and she told me that she wanted to break up with her boyfriend because he seemed like he didnt care for her and im smiling with a frown... now i treat her like i did before, when we liked each other. i tell her sweet dreams over the phone and she says with a sweet voice (aww thanks.. bye! :]) so yeah.. my 2 questions: does she like me? and do i tell her how i feel NOW or at the right time?

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You can, but until she's truly done with her bf, I think she just like the ego boost and the flirtatious friendship you have.


Kiss her one day and see what happens. She needs to see you as a GUY rather than a guy friend. So one of those times when you hug, look into her eyes when she pulls away from the hug, and then lean down and kiss her.

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Now, she when we talk, she looks directly into my eyes, not like before, and well.. she walks with me to the bus now. its like we're unseperable.


and i will do that, when i catch her at a time that she's alone, away from her friends, because im not gonna do it in front of her friends, lol.

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