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2 months NC / Ex starts new relationship / Immediately she texts me


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There's really no need to go into what has happened in previous threads so I'll just briefly explain.


>>>>>My ex from a 3 1/2 year relationship started a fling 2 months back after our breakup 4 months ago. It was just told to me today that the fling has just recently turned into a official relationship. She is 20 and the guy is a 28-year-old recently engaged breakup/rebound. Within a matter of days after having made the fling a relationship, my ex girlfriend texts me today being the first contact between the both of us in about 2 months.<<<<<


"Sorry to bother you...wondered if you had a dvd of mine...hope things are well at your new place." (not word for word)


I thought it peculiar that she made any contact with me (especially because she never texts) after 2 months NC and after she just started dating the new guy.



I'm not getting my hopes up in any way, but I would like to at least respond to her for a couple of reason:


A) Since she was my best friend for nearly 4 years and it would be rude of me not to respond at all.

B) I don't want her to forget about me.

C) However, I don't want her to think that I'm waiting around or still wanting her back (even though I would like a second chance.)

D) I'd like for her to hear how well I've been doing (the truth) since I left like somewhat of a wuss after the breakup.



Keep in mind that I'm not looking for this to win her back but I would like to show a confident new me that could be worthy of a second chance. The dvd seemed a little weak of a reason to break NC so perhaps with an appropriate/cool response I can have her feel that my door is open...well ajar anyway.



Text her back, call, or send a voicemail?







And don't say "just move on" or "no contact" because that would not accomplish the "A" point above.

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