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How do I get rid of a jelly belly ?

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Bobby NoBrains

I have a decent BMI just inside the best range for my height. I'm 180 pounds atm, on a largish frame at 6'3", so decently lean and reasonably fit. My stamina levels are not too high though, cause I don't run or even walk for long regularly. I do general low-intensity workouts at home like climbing stairs, push-ups and sit-ups and light weights until I break a sweat. I don't really push myself though, cause I am not trying to bulk up. However, even after all this I have a slight jelly belly and my abs just don't show. I mean I can feel them (at least a 4-pack inside) but they don't "show". It's all hidden behind the jelly belly which is just a thin one, but it's there. Anything I can do about this ?



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1. Eat better (healthy, less fat).

2. Do lots of cardio (take a Ju-jitsu class twice a week, it'll be gone in a few weeks).

3. Work your abs harder.

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Besides what was posted above me:


Eat dinner earlier.. or don't eat dinner late


I think it's healthy to eat dinner before bed because the body naturally wants to shut down in order to digest the food after you eat, which is why it's not a good idea to be active or mobile after eating and usually you get sleepy and tired anyways. What you eat is more important than how late you eat IMO. Most Europeans who are thin eat very late dinners but they don't eat the garbage Americans eat.

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You should eat the bulk of your calories during the time of the evening or day that you are the most active..


Eating dinner late after you are no longer exercising or active will allow your body to keep the calories and not burn them.


So.. if you eat a late dinner then you must kick up your activity or exercise late at night also so those calories get burned.

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burning 4 revenge

start smoking and eating only baked beans on toast. its the sid vicious diet. i did this for a while and i weighed like 135 (im 5'8)...plus you still can drink lots of beer

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Bobby NoBrains

Thanks for the tips everyone. So cardio, huh. Lazy me will have to do some working I see. I already eat pretty early, by 7-8pm and I sleep by 11-12pm so it's taken care of. Lately I've been a light eater also. I suppose it's going to have to be cardio.


You may have to sacrifice drinking beer. Is any woman worth that?


That really got me thinking :p



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...and stop eating jelly.


Seriously, someone I knew lost a lot of gut by vowing to eat before 6 pm. He has kept it off.


Also no fast food, that stuff is poison.


Do 15 situps before each post on LS and you should be cut very soon.

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Crunches are God's gift to abs.


Also, don't eat until an hour after you exercise. Your body remains at a higher metabolic rate, up to 45 minutes after an intense workout. This way, your body will look to stored fat, to burn.

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Crunches are pointless unless your diet is in order.


Having strong abs is nice, the side effect of a ripped stomach is nice too. So not entirely pointless. :p

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