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Marring an older woman

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Bobby NoBrains
If you were 30 and she were 13 years older, I would say go for it, if you truly love her and can see yourself spending your whole life with her.


But at your age, I think you're too young to make any serious commitments. You've just started living as an adult, and you will change so much during this decade. Even in 5 years, you will look back and realize how much you've changed during this time.


So, I'd say wait until you have had an opportunity to experience more of life, and to learn who you really are and what is important to you before committing to anyone, regardless of her age.


I agree with norajane completely. I don't think you're ready for marriage yet. Not saying dump the lady. But saying are you sure you're ready ? It may look rosy from the outside, but if you're not ready for it, it will be a big change for you and you may not like the outcome. So think long and hard before you jump into this.


Just my two bits ..



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Nothing wrong with older at all. I prefer it actually.

Plus, if she still looks hot now, chances are she won't be hitting the ugly wall anytime soon, so enjoy!

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Marrying? Sounds serious. How long have you both known eachother and been dating?

I'll base my opinion on that info.

Although it may serve well to actually date other women as well in the time being to validate those "feelings" for her and see if they are true. After all, this is your first relationship?


Aside though from that, you are 22 and you are giving your parents too much control over your life still. My parents lost control when I was 18 and moved out and I basically lived my life how I saw fit, but they were still there for support. Difference is that I did not ask for their opinions EVER on personal issues.

The thing is that in five years if you are still on the dating scene, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some or many of the women you might date will already have children or a child. A five year old child is a lot easier than starting out with a woman who has a baby! Now that IS stressful imo but having children is a part of life and you will eventually have to accept that some women out there have kids and you either decide you can cope or just weed that portion of women out of your dating pool. How is your relationship with her child?

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  • 1 year later...
Yes I am compatible. I do love her and I don't have any doubts about it. When I say she loves me more, she will do anything for me. She says she is too scared to loose me because of the current response from my parents. My other family members says they will support the decision which ever I make.


Wow that is a huge gap not numbers wise but experience wise. I would normally not judge so harshly but your in way over your head. Put on the sneakers and run, real fast.........

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i need advise on what i should do. I met this woman who looked almost the same age as myself only to discover that she was 13years older and has a 5 yr old child. Is there anything wrong or something i might be missing to be with her. I love her but i actually think she loves me more than i love her. She will do anything for me like sacrificing her time just to be with me. Everything feels so really, is there something im not seeing because my parents have just else but negative thoughts and comments.



Well, depends on how old you are*. I've dated a girl with the exact same age difference when I was in my early 2s, and all was fine for a couple of years, but I could not envision marrying her - now, about 10 years later I couldn't envision spending the rest of my life who is already kinda old while I'm at my peak. I'm not basing this solely on looks, but also on what kind of social life, (un)likelihood of her having more kids, etc.


*unless of course she's asian, in which case she'll be gorgeous at least until the ripe age of 60 :love::love::love:

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