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another i fell in love with my friend thread


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well first off a little background on myself..im 17 and have never had a real relationship before..


anyways..i have a group of 4 friends..all of us always hang out and **** and the group consists of me, my best male friend, you know, the one who you tell everything and 2 females..lets call them..P and Q...i have a had a crush on P for quite some time now but i have absolutely no idea whether she may feel the same..im very confused because sometimes she shows signals that she might like me but i get confused because her and my best friend dated for a while about a year ago and sometimes she flirts with him and i get worried that she still retains those feelings for him..but other times she seems like she might like me...i dont know...Q has told me that we seemed really close during the summer but havent been lately as she has been busy and not hanging out with us...i havent told anyone of my feelings but i know for a fact that my best friend doesnt have any feelings for her due to things he has told me...im just not sure whether i should wait and see if she shows me more signals or if i should tell her how i feel...its killing me inside because the feelings are so strong but i dont want to tell her and have her not feel the same because that would ruin the group of all 4 of us because it would get awkward...i just dont know what to do because if i tell her its putting alot on the line....and i sometimes wish i wouldnt have these feelings because and that we could all just be friends like we are but lately the feelings have been intensifying and its all i can think about when shes around..i would just like some advice on what to do...thanks

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Do not tell her your feelings - it hardly ever works out well.


Flirt with her, tease her, compliment her, laugh with her, look her in the eyes a lot. FLIRT. If she flirts back, then one day when the moment is right, ask her out on a specific date - like going for ice cream or a latte or whatever. Flirt some more on the date...if she seems receptive, then you kiss her good night.


But don't go pouring your feelings out to her! That's almost a guarantee to make things awkward, uncomfortable, and worse.

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Do not tell her your feelings - it hardly ever works out well.


Flirt with her, tease her, compliment her, laugh with her, look her in the eyes a lot. FLIRT. If she flirts back, then one day when the moment is right, ask her out on a specific date - like going for ice cream or a latte or whatever. Flirt some more on the date...if she seems receptive, then you kiss her good night.


But don't go pouring your feelings out to her! That's almost a guarantee to make things awkward, uncomfortable, and worse.


i know..i have flirted with her and she does flirt back..she sometimes initiats the flirting too...and i have hung out with her alone on multiple occasions and we get along well and everything..we even spent one night talking on the phone for 5 hours during the summer..but i know it would be easy to ask her to hang out with me but im scared she would just see it as two friends hanging out and would get freaked out if i do anything..it feels like ive been waiting forever for her to say something about the way we've been flirting but it seems like ive been waiting forever...i dont know what to do.

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ok i was just in like the exact same situation... ive known her for like 4 months now, she is my best friend, i fell in love with her, she acted like she liked me, i also saw her flirting with other people tho and then today i told her i had feelings for her as more than a friend... i was worried that she might not talk to me anymore or anything but she was cool with it she said that she didnt want our friendship to change because of it, and that she wants things to be the same as they where before i told her, she said she was glad i told her but that if i told her earlier it might not have gone so well cus she might have just been like what? and then not talked to me. she just got out of a 1 and a half year relationship so yeah, but she said that aside from all that, she really enjoys spending time with me and told me that last night when we where talking to each other she looked into my eyes and couldn't stop looking, and she didnt know why, and she felt really happy. and that right now, anything can happen between us, but that we should rush.


so my advice to you is make sure you you know very well and make sure u establish a good friendship before you tell her you like her, flirt with her alot, and stuff, but just because it seems like she likes you and flirts with you alot doesnt mean she actually does... my friend is a very flirty person, and she flirts with everyone, so dont let yourself believe what you want to, take a hard look at reality, give her hints that you like her but dont say it straight up. if you feel like you know her well enough tell her you like her, you cant keep your feelings hidden forever.

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