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Situation with friends.. did I do the right thing?

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HI everyone, I just wanted to hear some other opinions on this situation involving some friends. Anyway what happen I was at my friends house, I am their house cleaner and over time we became friends. Anyway I was there and my friends husband was home. He was outside sitting on the porch, I had gone out to sweep. Well he was sitting down and I happen to notice his nuts were hanging out of his shorts! Soo gross! He was talking to me and acting normal. My sister also knows these people and I told her about it, well she told me that she had been over there before and the husband had on shorts and his dick and all was hanging out his shorts! So it also happen in front of my sister another time. I am good friends with this guys wife, she is such a nice person. Also one night this week my man and I went out to diner with them. The whole night all the husband talked about was perverted ****, not just one comment but kept going on and on about gross stuff! His wife just kinda acted like everything was fine. Well he made my man and I both very uncomfortable. This all happened in the past week. Well today I went back to house clean and he wasn't there so I told his wife everything. She said he probably didn't realize his nuts were hanging out even though I told it it happened two seperate times once around me and the other around my sister. I also told her about her husbands vulgar conversation and that it made me uncomfortable. No I'm not uptight, I don't get offended by a couple swear words normally. Well she acted like all he did was no big deal and she seemed surprised I was offended. What would you guys do in a situation like this?

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I think he's doing this as some sick form of "fun". He probably gets off on this kind of thing. If you are really bothered you have to make a choice. I'd probably tell him that he should consider a pair of shorts that didn't expose his "little gifts" to the world....LOL:rolleyes:


What do I know?


I do know that when I was 16, I used to hang out on the beach with my friends. Everynight around 8 or 9 pm this man would be "running" along the beach. He would come straight up to us while we were sitting there, and he would have on these yellow shorts with red trimming (like from the 70's) that were soooo short you could see his balls and his so called penis. And he would ask us how we were. If we saw any crabs running on the beach and stuff like that. We were like dude we know that YOU know your balls are loose!! Of course, he would leave but then he would do it to other people. The police caught him and he is in the hospital. (Kinda Koowky). That is not normal behaviour nor is it an accidental thing IMO.

Follow your heart on this one seriously!! If you feel weird or in danger leave.


The boys can feel the slightest breeze on their various parts as well as you. If your blouse was revealing a little "ariola" you would feel it, right?

He knows what he was doing. He just knows that most people are polite and won't say anything. They prefer to pretend not to "see it". Don't fall for any wooden nickles. Stay well.

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