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It's His 30th Birthday :(

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My ex b/f turns 30 this Sunday. It will be his first birthday that we have been apart in 6 years. I am feeling so sad about it. I am not gonna send him a card though coz for those of you who have read any of my previous posts the guy hates me and hasn't spoken to me in 6 months for reasons unknown to me.. one day we were friends the next he hates me.. confused.

It'll be a sad weekend for me :confused:

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Nemo -


I am very sorry to hear that you are feeling sad. Try to get out this weekend and do something fun, even if it is by yourself. I know it is difficult, but doing things helps to pass the time and keeps you from focusing completely on your feelings. My relationship with my ex-wife has been a rollercoaster for the past 7 months and getting out there and doing the things that I enjoy have been about the only thing that has helped me keep any level of sanity. Did he really change that suddenly? Was there another woman involved that you know of?

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My ex b/f turns 30 this Sunday. It will be his first birthday that we have been apart in 6 years. I am feeling so sad about it. I am not gonna send him a card though coz for those of you who have read any of my previous posts the guy hates me and hasn't spoken to me in 6 months for reasons unknown to me.. one day we were friends the next he hates me.. confused.

It'll be a sad weekend for me :confused:


My 30th Birthday is coming up in a month or so and it will be the first birthday I have celebrated apart from her in 5 years. So I instantly was drawn to your post. I keep wondering if she will even contact me. I screwed up but we have not spoken in some time and I would like to reconcile. Who knows, Everybody on here says that i should keep strict no contact if she does try to contact me . I guess I shouldn't be worrying about it now since its a few months away but its on my mind sometimes. I plan on staying really busy and getting really drunk, ha ha

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Yes, there is another woman involved. We broke up at christmas and he started seeing someone pretty much straight away. We remained friends and he told me he would always be friends with me and would always be there for me. I just don't know what it is i did in the space of a day to make him turn against me.. Its totally confusing me. He works in same place as me (my family business) and it hurts so much when i say hi to him he turns his back on me.

I don't understand how someone who once said they loved me so much is now so full of hate and won't even say hello :(

I know i have to make myself happy but its so hard, some times i just want to go to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep because then i don't feel the neglect and hurt that i am feeling..

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Nemo, try not to take it personally. I bet it's nothing you did. Anger is often a manifestation of fear. I know when my husband was around me, he would act hurtful, but that was because HE was hurt. He was feeling guilt for what he was doing to me.


People who are hurt, hurt others.


I recommend doing something on Sunday that he would hate to do, or would never do a in a million years. That's my plan when my STBX's bday comes on December 1st.

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My ex's b day was just a few days ago. I mailed her a card which she will get today or tomorrow. Nice and simple. Nothing special. The day of her b day I had a couple friends over and made them dinner (girls). It was nice to have some company to help with things. She also is seeing someone too and has been kind of cold to me also. I know its her way of dealing with her emotions (has a problem expressing them) and I have given her no reason to be like that so take it with a grain of salt. You know him better than us and you know his true character so try not to take it personally.


Good luck and just stay strong!

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My birthdays today. Hers was about 3 months after the breakup and I made sure I remembered . Shes been calling me every couple of days for the last month so im curious (just curious) if she will call today.


Its 1:45 here and no call.Just sort of depressing. Last year on this day we were on an amazing vacation.


We just need to get on with things. The day will pass and then it will not matter.

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My ex's birthday was yesterday and I totally forgot about it! I was dreading it a few days ago when I realized it was coming up, and then I realized this morning that it was yesterday and I hadn't even thought about it. Instead I spent the day writing and chillin' in a hammock in Mexico. The day before that was exactly three months since the breakup.


It makes me feel good to have not acknowledged his birthday. No contact, baby! NO CONTACT!! :)

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It's my birthday next week. I am pretty safe to say that she wont contact me, she will probably forget it anyway. I hope that it doesnt bring me down. The holidays will be hard this year.

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My birthday came and went in July and I received not a peep from my ex-wife. Agreeing with the previous post, the holidays will be very hard on me this year, especially Christmas, which was always a very big deal for us. I guess I will never understand how someone so important in one's life can become so unimportant during times of adversity. I guess my opinion would be that it is a function of a very sick and sad society where people are considerably more concerned with their own well-being than the feelings of those around them that truly care about them.......

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Wow, all these birthdays! Mine is at the end of December - 30th as well! First one without her in 8 years :( It's a quad-whammy for me though, it's also my first Christmas without her, first New Year and our Engagement anniversary! It's gonna be fun!


I'm still sort of hoping she'll call ... but then ... well I'm not that bright ;) ;)

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