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fear of loving

Cathy Hillaker

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Cathy Hillaker

This may sound horrible, but I am having a problem fully opening up to my fiance. MY problem basically is , I lost my parents to death when I was 19 and 24. I am 29 now, I am falling so much in love with my fiance that I fearing that things are going so good something is going to disrupt this good and he is going to be taken away by death. How do I overcome this fear?

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I feel like this if you spend all your time being scard, you may never experience the feeling of love. It is something truely beautiful,and when someone has touched you in that way you will never be the same again.an An it is better to feel that way for a short time than to never feel at all ...all relationships arelearning experiences an they may hurt at times but I look at it like this if I can feel that way for a short period of time than so be it it is better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all..because thaere is nothing ..that will never be anything else in life that will make you feel that way..it is truely priceless..I know how it feels when things don't work out but everything is a learning experience and through it all it will make you the person you are today.. Life is to short to live in the future wondering all the time if your going to get hurt you have one time to go through this life...and fear of loving...is wasted time.. Love is a beautiful thing...

You can't overcome it. You must learn to live your life to the fullest around this problem, almost inspite of it, if you like. Good luck.
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This may sound horrible, but I am having a problem fully opening up to my fiance. MY problem basically is , I lost my parents to death when I was 19 and 24. I am 29 now, I am falling so much in love with my fiance that I fearing that things are going so good something is going to disrupt this good and he is going to be taken away by death. How do I overcome this fear?

Dear Cathy,


My sympathy for your tragic loss. I can't even begin to comprehend the pain you must have experienced and are experiencing in your life. Overcoming this fear will be difficult. Perhaps a more reasonable goal would be to learn to deal with it. Expecting it to fully go away will, unfortunately, probably not ever happen. It's an integral part of who and what you are. At least you realize how you feel and how it can be a problem. I think it may be best for you to seek out professional counseling so that you can discuss possible solutions and learn to deal with your fears. It may be the best thing for both you and your fiance. And letting him know about your past is important to. Explain to him what your fears are -- I'm sure he'll be supportive of whatever you decide to do. Best wishes to you, Cathy.





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This may sound horrible, but I am having a problem fully opening up to my fiance. MY problem basically is , I lost my parents to death when I was 19 and 24. I am 29 now, I am falling so much in love with my fiance that I fearing that things are going so good something is going to disrupt this good and he is going to be taken away by death. How do I overcome this fear?



Please don't be afraid to love. It is truly a gift to be able to love someone with all of your heart. I was afaird to, but someone that I opened my heart to showed my that if you love someone fully, if it's only for a short amount of time, is still better that never to love have seen the joy. You will be happy if you just open your heart and fall.

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