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Love Hurts?


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Should love hurts? I am in love but why am I also hurting...


Should love make me feel blue? I see rainbow but why am I suffering from winter blues? allie sure there is always a certain amout of pain in any relationships, but where is the pain coming from?? is it physical, caused on purpose???? maybe you just miss him, which is natural and nothing you can change or is there?? do every thing in your power to stop the pain and if it doesn't stop re-evaluate the situation and decide if that is where you want to really be

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In my own personal opinion, love should not hurt. It's


the situation that makes you hurt. But, as said before, you


could just really miss him. I've been in a lot of relationships where I had been hurting through the course of the whole thing. But, just about two months ago, I found a great guy, and haven't hurt since. He only makes me feel happy.


I'm not saying it's love necessarily, but we care about each other a lot. So, if you are feeling pain, you need to find out what's causing the pain before you can fix it, right?! If it's the boy in general who is causing you pain then you might need to find some one else who won't constantly hurt you!!!! k!??!

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