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Has anyone actually moved on and found love?/reconcilaition


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A lot of the stories here are about the pain we have been through.


Im just wondering if anyone has actually moved on after being dumped and found someone else......positive stories anyone?


Plus, has anyone ever had thier exes come back to them?


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I started on this forum several months back after my wife of 15 years left me. It was devastating. I tried 6 ways to Sunday to make it work but she simply chose not to and decided to date around at which point I felt released and filed for divorce............It's final in less that two weeks.


In my case, though I would have reconciled if she was willing, I see that I will likely be much happier with someone else than I ever was with her. Sure, I think you can find love if you move on, and at the same time many reconcile if they "both" want to commit which is what it's all about anyway.


Going through the separation and divorce dishes out a tremendous amount of pain................but you get through it. In my case, I learned so many things which will help me in another relationship and on a personal level.


Hope this answers your Q.

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I was married for nine years, my current BF for five.


My exH was an abuser, his exW was a cheat.


I left my husband in spring, his wife was found out that summer. Our divorces were within two months of each other.


We met the following spring. Both freshly divorced and not really looking for anyone. We were happy to be out of our bad marriages. We were enjoying our freedom.


The first time we met it was casual. He waited on my while I was picking out flowers for Easter. The second time we met was in a grocery store three days later. We spoke for an hour but never exchanged names or numbers. He asked me to stop by the flower store to see him. I never did.


We met up about a month and a half later in a convenience store. I asked him "what's your name?" He asked me "can I have your number?"


He called me that night and we're still loving each other. A year and a half later. :love:

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