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2 dates: An Analyasis

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OK had 2 dates this weekend, very strange for me, heres how they went.


Date 1:


On the way to the theater, we went to the X-Men 2 Premiere, we talked and laughed most of the time. When we got there she didnt want any snacks or drinks so we just went in. We watched, she was big X-Men fan so she was glued to the screen. After a while into the movie I made my move, and we started to hold hands, but while I would gently rub her hand in mine she, she would just stand there still, barely moving at all. When the movie was over we talked for the first few minutes, but after that it became pretty quiet, neither of use could think of anything to say. I felt I may have done something to make her uneasy, so I didnt try for the goodnight kiss but we did hug. I knew she really liked me before we went (she asked me out) but was very quiet and reserved, so an incite on the subject would be appreciated.


Date 2:


She talked alot, most of what I got to say to here were, yeah, I see, stuff like that, and when she would stop talking I would slip something in there to talk about, but it generally got back to her. She was wearing some pretty suggestive clothing, so I kindof figured she wanted to look good for me, but her body language completely told otherwise, legs crossed away from me, she also talked alot about guys she wanted to marry, so i got the impression she wasnt into me. I was alot more comfortable talking to her on the ride back, and got more opportunites to talk which was good. Then I walked her back to her door and we hugged and she went inside.


So what do you guys think? I feel I may have done something to blow both dates but I cant imagine what.

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well, from a gal's point of view...


date 2 - she sounds NERVOUS! Suggestive dressing, too much talking, silliness about marrying guys ... She might be way different when she gets more comfortable.


date 1 - It sounds like she got uncomfortable about the hand-holding. Prolly just shy, or hasn't done it before.


Do you feel like taking either of them out again? Have you called them since the date - how did they sound?


good luck,


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I'm sure about date 2 being nervous, she seemed pretty confident and comfortable, but I'm a guy so I may not even know what the hell im talking about, it did seem like she was a little nervous when I asked her out and when I asked her for her address. I would ask her out again, but I'm not sure given her body language, her choice of conversation, and swiftness to get into her house when I dropped her off, but I guess this could be the result of nervousness.


Date 1: She did seem kindof shy, I asked her if i made her uncomforable and she said no, and that she had a great time. I've already told date 1 that I'd go to the prom with her.

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Yeah I feel like a complete a**h*** for saying this but, I feel more comfortable talking to date 2 and she happens to be quite attractive, although date 1 is still pretty cute and we share alot of the same interests and such. I don't know, I think date 2's assertive nature and attractiveness make her more my goal, but....argg i dont know nm

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you can date both of them for now, no need to become exclusive with either one. just don't go far so that they don't accuse you of cheating (highschool girls are silly that way...)


good luck


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Yeah that was kindof the plan I guess, date them both, then I dont dig myself into a hole and get one girlfriend and one enemy for life, lol. Although I may end of with 2 enemies for life, probably not though, i remain good friends with all of my ex's

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Just A Girl2

You wrote:


After a while into the movie I made my move, and we started to hold hands, but while I would gently rub her hand in mine she, she would just stand there still, barely moving at all.


No matter what age, whether 16 or 17 yrs old, or 40....I think it can be a big turn off, or overwhelming, for a guy to get this cuddly and affectionate on a first date. Nobody wants to feel like they're out with an octopus. Also, she may have figured if you're this "pushy" on the first date, that by the second date you'd be expecting sex.


Lots of gals don't even kiss someone on a first date, no matter how good it went.....just because, hey, there's no rush.


Just because you can laugh and talk and get along with someone on a first (or second or third) date, that doesn't automatically mean it's right to start 'making the moves'...holding hands is generally something reserved for two people who know each other a lot better than having just been with one another for an hour and are sitting in a theater watching a movie.


Why don't you ask #1 out again, and this time, omit the hand holding, etc...just focus on getting to know one another.


#2 sounds sort of hoochie/flirty.....not too bright to be on a date with someone and be talking about guys you'd want to marry. She doesn't strike me as just "shy and saying stupid things" but as someone who's either not all that interested, or just a real flirt/player/clueless.

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OK thanks for the advice, I guess I was being more forward than I thought or should be.


OK I feel I should describe some of the events leading up to the dates.


Date 1: She borrowed another friend of mine's cell phone and started texting me about a week prior to the date. We also began to talk on AIM and learned we have ALOT in common. So one day she asked me out to the movies and I accepted. Before she actually asked me out my friend E.E. who is good friends with her, stopped me one day and was talking about how shes always talking about me, and asking my friends what I'm like, etc. So I guess basically I jumped the gun about how much she liked me.


Date 2: This girl is well known around my school, not for being a hoochie or anything, but rather as an honor student. She is class treasurer, in tons of clubs around school and in her church, and is in all advanced classes. One day we were just walking by each other in the hallway and we met eyes and smiled. Then it happened more and more until it was a daily occurance, she even came up to me one day to complement a t-shirt I have, but was not wearing. So I figured, what the hell she seemes to like me, shes very attractive, and she's smart as hell, which is probably the biggest turn on, so I asked her if she wanted to do anything that weekend and she said it depended on the day, so I asked for her number and we made plans to go out that Friday. But I found out I wouldnt be able to get off work early that day, so we posponed till next saturday, but she had to cancel because of some youth auction thing she got dragged into, so we postponed another week, until last saturday when we were finally able to go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

okay man....you asked Date #1 if you made her uncomfortable??? What the heck is up with that? Yes she asked you out (she likes you) but she can actually not like you by the end of the date if you don't do things right...where's your confidence? A confident man wouldn't ask stuff like that...

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Ok, another girl's perspective - but I'm an older girl - outta high school.


I think you did everything right. What's wrong with holding hands?? It's obvious that both like you or they wouldn't have accepted the date in the first place, in my opinion.


#1 was nervous. I don't think there was anything wrong with asking her if you made her uncomfortable. To me, that's being honest and open and, personally, would have made me feel more at ease if you asked me that. Shows you care about her feelings.


#2 - that's a hard one. Over-confident, maybe? I do agree that she shouldn't have talked about guys she wanted to marry. And you not getting a word in edge-wise - seems a little self-absorbed on her part, talking about her plans, ideas, whatever. Did she ever ask any questions to you? Like what you're into and stuff? Did she want to get to know you? I may be totally off here, but it seems she the opposite of #1.


Ok - in the long run, #2 may be hotter than #1, but if you have more in common with #1 (and she's cute, too), you're stupid to dump her. Just my opinion! :)

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