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American women suck


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Seriously, date any woman who's not an American.


Canadian, Brit, Aussie, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Filipina, Mexican, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian....just don't go Yank. They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.

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Most do but there are some exceptions. America sucks in general and it goes beyond just the women. This country jumped the shark a long time ago.

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I am an American man that dated a German she was cool... but as far as the money goes IT AINT TRICKIN IF YOU GOT IT!!!



Play the game, dont let the game play you, player!!

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Seriously, date any woman who's not an American.


Canadian, Brit, Aussie, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Filipina, Mexican, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian....just don't go Yank. They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.

Can you elaborate, please? :)


Most do but there are some exceptions. America sucks in general and it goes beyond just the women. This country jumped the shark a long time ago.
I love America. If you don't like it, go live elsewhere. I love how some Americans spit on their country but still live here. Nobody is holding you.


Please note the acutely acquired patriotism! ;):laugh:

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Why don't you both go move to another country then?


It's easier said than done. When you have a job here and a house that will be paid off next month it is hard to give up. I like America but I hate Americans because many of us are the dumbest people on earth.

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It's easier said than done. When you have a job here and a house that will be paid off next month it is hard to give up. I like America but I hate Americans because many of us are the dumbest people on earth.
Well, there are many Americans so there are many dumb people. :laugh:


Of all the peole I've met in my life, from various countries, the Americans are on average the smartest, the most developed intellectually, and the best conversationalists. I've lived in a few countries and only with Americans I feel that I can talk about anything.

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I deal with many people from other countries and I feel that they are more intelligent and much more informed. I also know many women from other countries because they come here during the summer to run the stands and the rides and most American women have nothing on them. Physically, mentally, emotionally and everything else they have it all over your average American woman.

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I deal with many people from other countries and I feel that they are more intelligent and much more informed. I also know many women from other countries because they come here during the summer to run the stands and the rides and most American women have nothing on them. Physically, mentally, emotionally and everything else they have it all over your average American woman.




Your literally fantasizing about other cultures. If you really got to know them, they arent all that great.


I know your thinking of the eastern european girls... I've known enough of them that I can tell you most of the time when they are kissing you its just to distract you because they are reaching for your wallet!

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I've known several Eastern European women (Russian, Polish, Slovenian), and I can say they are just as psycho as any American woman I've known. Probably even more. One was a serious gold-digger. They don't have the same sexual conservatism that people here tend to value. I dated an attractive girl from Bangladesh who was pretty manipulative and actually quite vicious in her cute little way.


Women from other countries appear better on the surface, but underneath it all they are no different. With one caveat: If you want to go for high quality and "down to Earth", go Canadian.

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When you live in a country, you naturally see the worst of it, because you can't avoid it.


If the only exposure you have to other countries is by meeting people who travel to your country and seeing it on TV (and to some extent, travelling to them because going on holiday to a place is usually totally different to living there) your perception on the other countries is going to be slightly warped.


Most countries only want the best of their country to be seen on TV/films. (although many only ever get the worst portrayed).


People who travel are generally of a certain level of intelligence to want to explore other countries, and are hence good ambassadors to their country.

They don't travel to poor or under privileged areas, because when you are on holiday you want to see the nice parts of a country, so its a win-win situation.


I say generally because the Brits-on-tour mentality in parts of Spain and Mediterranean Europe is shameful.


I am from New Zealand, and most people see it as being this beautiful island paradise straight out of Lord of the Rings. People also see it as "backwards" due to its relative underpopulation.


Its one of the most liberal and forward thinking countries in the world, and I say this with pride after having lived in the UK for nearly six years.

95% of kiwis have a passport, and are mostly well educated about the rest of the world because the last thing they want to be seen as is ignorant just because they are tucked away at the bottom of the world.


Its not immune to stupid people though.


Americans have a very romanticised view of the British.

Come and live here, and I can show you many many stupidos, they are EVERYWHERE, and some of them are even running our country.


Americans are often portrayed as Amerikajin described......many people who don't live there do have that kind of perception of Americans, alot of it is probably thanks to Michael Moore and Morgan Spurlocks films, and your lovely, super-smart president!


I am reserving judgement as i haven't been there, I first set foot on American soil on wednesday. Can't wait! NYC here I come!

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PS- alot of people from other countries do get sick of Americans saying how theirs is the best country in the world because over 90% of Americans haven't actually LEFT the country to make the comparisons for themselves.

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NYC is a great city but the rest of America is nothing like it. Take a trip through the south and Middle America and see all the rednecks who look and act like they mated with their sheep and reproduced. The reason people like Bush and Reagen keep getting elected is because of that part of the country.

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Seriously, date any woman who's not an American.


Canadian, Brit, Aussie, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Filipina, Mexican, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian....just don't go Yank. They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.

LOL :laugh: I love the american accent ;).

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I've known several Eastern European women (Russian, Polish, Slovenian), and I can say they are just as psycho as any American woman I've known. Probably even more. One was a serious gold-digger. They don't have the same sexual conservatism that people here tend to value. I dated an attractive girl from Bangladesh who was pretty manipulative and actually quite vicious in her cute little way.


Women from other countries appear better on the surface, but underneath it all they are no different. With one caveat: If you want to go for high quality and "down to Earth", go Canadian.[/quote]


Yooouuuppeee Dooo! :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

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Um...well, let's see. I'm an American. I'm a woman. I broke up with a guy who made a lot of money and got together with a guy who makes about 1/8 of that. Why? I loved him. How do I live? By the skin of my teeth in a big city. How do I try to treat my partners? As well as I can, by supporting them in whatever it is they want to do, no matter how much or how little money they make. Do I whine? No, I'm too busy being a tattooed badass with a joyful life of my very own. Generalizations are ridiculous and insulting.


As for the overeating part, uh, look at my icon and you'll see how I treat my body.


And Woggle, I'm a registered Democrat from the South who has never voted Republican in my life. Nor have my cool, college-educated friends back home in Arkansas. I went to grad school in the Midwest, where I worked at a feminist bookstore and was on the board of a performance art series that worked hard to raise money to bring progressive political artists to our city to perform. The liberal, alternative culture was alive and well in that city and I made some great friends there -- smart, educated activists who busted their a$$es to make a difference. I find this thread uninformed, insulting, and pointless.


Oh, and by the way, I'm writing this to you from a small fishing town in Mexico where I'm living for two months. I'd be happy to send you a Xerox of my passport if you'd like to see the added pages.

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Seriously, date any woman who's not an American.


Canadian, Brit, Aussie, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Filipina, Mexican, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian....just don't go Yank. They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.



Bad dating experience recently, amerikajin? Tell us more.

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Hey Woggle... sounds like America treats you pretty well... and Amerikajin...drop the Ameri out of the name.... What a joke... just leave if it sucks so much, but while you are here...respect it.


You're comment about the south has been noted, and don't talk to me on these forums...ever.

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Spoken like the true voice of ignorance.


I've lived in three foreign countries for several years in each, and visited a number more of them. I've also lived in eight different states, some of them more than once. I'll be moving to a ninth when I retire in a couple of years.


American women suit me just fine. Sure, I ultimately had bad luck with one when it came to marriage but thatr's just luck of the draw and she could have been anywoman from anywhere. It was her, not her nationality.


Thank God the rest of the country isn't like NYC. How boring that would be if all states were the same. Part of this country's great character is the very different cultures that exist all under one flag -- eastern seaboard to New England to the south, the gulf states, the midwest, Pacific Northwest and California and Texas, each of which stands alone.


There's something for everyone here if they only have the courage and intelligence to seek it out.

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Perhaps it's the case that when a country attains power, a certain degree of guilt and self-loathing rises up and is projected onto the women of that country.


I wonder what prevailing view Roman men had of their womenfolk during that nation's time as a super-power....




The backlash was partly against women, true, but also represented an established tradition of looking back to a supposedly innocent, virtuous Roman past in contrast to its decadent present. For every Pliny who can speak with admiration of a woman like Arria, there were ten slashing satires of a Juvenal or Martial, who apparently found nothing whatever to commend in any women in any condition, maid, wife, or mother. While the very essence of the satires was to hold a mirror up to an unsatisfactory nature in their own times...
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Perhaps it's the case that when a country attains power, a certain degree of guilt and self-loathing rises up and is projected onto the women of that country.


After all, it's ever so much easier to blame the women for your own failure with them than to have to face the fact that they may collectively find you deficient.

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The point of my post was to say that you may think the grass is greener on the other side, but it isn't always.

I also mentioned a few perceptions of americans that other people outside the US have- whether they are accurate or not I don't know, but its a perception based on the media portrayal, which is probably biased to some degree.


There are A**holes in every country on the planet, and judging someone purely by their nationality is pretty obtuse.


Sedgwick, your post was great, and thanks. But you ARE in a minority group as the holder of a valid US passport, you know that right?.


However, the US is such an enormous and diverse country, I can understand why people tend to travel within it rather than outside of it.

Especially as you guys get so few holidays compared to everyone else.:(


I would love to see more of it than just NYC, however this is just a starting point due to time restrictions.

I would love to visit Alaska, San Francisco, my family in Texas, South carolina, arizona, Las vegas, Memphis, Vermont, Boston, etc etc.

However, I am not made of money or time at the moment and they are on the to-do list.

Yes, the list is a little touristy, but hey, aren't you glad people want to visit you?


I am from a little island nation, and everyone wants to get out of it at some point in their lives. However we are fiercely proud of our country, and love it when people come to visit it, and hate it when they criticise it.


Most people are the same about their home countries.


And after six years of living away, and dating men from different countries, the love of my life turned out to be from about 20miles away from where I was born, and there really is no place like home.


A R with a person of a different nationality can be VERY hard work after the initial novelty and exotic excitement wears off, I can assure you.


It works for some people, but I think they are the exception rather than the rule.


So don't rule out all American gals Amerikajin, surely in a country of 300,000,000 people there is a lady for you.

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