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American women suck


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Seriously, date any woman who's not an American.


Canadian, Brit, Aussie, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Filipina, Mexican, French, Spanish, Ukranian, Russian....just don't go Yank. They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.


Dude, this doesn't sound like you. What gives? Have you been burned recently?


Your post sounds almost trollish. We both know that individual differences matter more than national differences. I've been with American women my entire sexual life, and I cannot generalize about them--especially based on citizenship.


They're just women each with her own personality, drives, ambitions, traits and temperament. I won't submerge individual identity into the swamp of national "identity."


Stick to Iraq, my man.

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Ladies, my advice to you...do not date THIS man.


OMG! You are, like, sooooo judgmental.

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OMG! You are, like, sooooo judgmental.


How's the 'ole hangover AJ? Have we helped make you laugh with all this nonsense you started?

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Ever hear of Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon? He was also wrong.


There is this guy that I know. He is always telling me how terrible the women in Oregon are, how stuck up they are, how they only want a guy’s money, blah, blah, blah. Well, he’s kind of an idiot and women everywhere, I’m sure would not find him appealing.


I love the women here and they are always nice to me.


I suspect that amerikajin hasn’t quite figured women out yet. So rather than admit his shortcomings, just blames the women.

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He is always telling me how terrible the women in Oregon are


Right. He might have just encountered one obnoxious woman from Oregon and is blaming all the rest for her faults.


I have a really close friend in Oregon. I need to see how she's doing.

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Sorry. It felt like you were being very snide with me. I guess I got that wrong, just like Amerikajin got it wrong on many American women.


I apologize also, I wasnt intending to be snide, though now I can see how it would come across to you that way. :o

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blueberry sundae
At least I'm limiting my generalization to one country...

One generalization is no better than what Amerikajin is doing. It's like saying "I only murdered ONE person. He murdered two." LOL

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blueberry sundae
So now YOU are generalising an entire nation based on one television programme???


I have spent a bit of time in france and there are ALL kinds of women there too.


This thread is getting silly.


As I said before, there are A-holes in EVERY country.


No country is exempt, or more superior than another, but most of us hold one or two countries dear to our hearts because thats human nature- we all have to come from somewhere!


I have actually spent a lot of time in France, including six months there studying in college and two other 2-week vacations.

So...I will say there is a certain specialness overall about the women there. There are so many beautiful women with great bone structure, and the "je ne sais quoi" to go with it.

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Yes, you are right.


You can excuse those of us who have never been there for having some preconceived (probably inaccurate) perceptions based on what we read or see on TV/movies.



why? americans don't get excused for believing in/relaying/passing on/telling jokes about stereotypes. why should anyone else?


if that's what you think, amerikajin, (your original post)you can go screw yourself. i'm an american woman, and i can probably buy and sell you. you don't know a thing about my life, my family, my relationships, or my money. so if you want to talk about people who make you feel inferior, leave me out of it. i don't know you and i never will.

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American girls have soul, are not haughty, and even if they're rich and/or educated they are usually humble.

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American girls have soul, are not haughty, and even if they're rich and/or educated they are usually humble.


You've got to be kidding me.

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blueberry sundae
You've got to be kidding me.


Look, you guys want women who suck, and you get it. Now you are STILL COMPLAINING. Posts about how women are never happy are now BANNED. You HYPOCRITE.

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You've got to be kidding me.

amerikajin, maybe you are too attracted by the girls in your area, and you happen to be in American now, no love, no hate? just a thought

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You've got to be kidding me.


Sounds like you cant handle an American woman... You just don't know what to do with it LOL

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blueberry sundae

The problem is that Amerikajin is an American Virgin, and he is blaming American Women for this fact....which actually proves that American women are the Smartest women. Ok, we've solved this one once and for all. Thread closed.


American Virgin....do do do do doo dooo.....(in the same tune as that song which was already referenced on this thread)

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Well, the rest of the world is 'Americanizing', so if the American way is not yours, you're pretty ****ed.


Edit: I ****ing hate American censoring.

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They whine, they overeat, and they're all about the money.


... and they're the most beautiful creatures on earth. If you don't like American women, you can always move to another country. Like, Afghanistan. They cover their women in burqa's there. You might like that.

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Actually most American women have nothing on European women. I have been to Europe so trust me I know.


Ummm.... Okay. I LIVED in Europe for three years. Sorry. Disagree with ya on that one, Woggle.

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Ummm.... Okay. I LIVED in Europe for three years. Sorry. Disagree with ya on that one, Woggle.


Which part of europe?

I've been in the US and, although some of the most beautiful women are american, most are so-so.

And fat.


Same for men.

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