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How to talk to him to redefine our fwb relationship?

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Here's the background of my story: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t133431/


I can't have a bf/gf relationship with him because: he's way too young for me, we dont share many things in common, he doesn't wanna get married, he's a bad communicator, he still have things going on with his ex, and no matter how much i try we cant really emotionally attached. But the sex is so good.


At the first months we know each other, he told me all the time that he was really into me, he felt that he liked me more than i liked him. He text me very often everyday to say he misses me or just to say hi. But I just cant get any more closer to him, he admitted that he's been having problems to let someone in, he couldn't trust anyone. So I dont wanna force a relationship with him. But we do take care of each other.


So now since he's been hanging out a lot lately with this girl even though he said he's not interested in her at all, I began to think to stop this fwb thing, but it's gonna be so hard for me because I really enjoy the sex and we live together and the chemistry between us is so strong. He comes to my room to kiss me good morning everyday, we talk all the time in IM when he's at work.


Is there such thing as an exclusive fwb? I think that's what i need. I'm kinda miss the time when he was really into me, so I dont know if it's because I'm afraid to lose that feeling or if I do really like him. What's the best way to talk to him to redefine our relationship? He seem to keep his distant if I talk about this thing.


My point is: I only want to continue this fwb relationship if there's no other girl around him. But I dont know how to say this to him.

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It sounds to me like you like him more than a friend with benefits. Which isn't good unless he feels the same way but it sounds like he doesn't if he's interested in another girl.


So you're pretty much screwed by him and not in the way you like to be screwed by him.


The only thing you can do is lighten up on your feelings for him or ask him to move out so what he's doing isn't in your face all the time.


Because you can't change him. You can only change you. So talk yourself out of liking him so much because you know it's not going anywhere.


And if the only thing you're attracted to him is the sex well then newsflash...


...every guy has a dick. :)

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