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How to innitiate sex in a caring way?


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Me and my current boyfriend have been together since March. He is a virgin and I am not. He is 19 and I am 20. He hasnt had sex before because he hasnt met the right person and didnt want to just give it up to any girl because he hasnt been in any serious relationships, just a limited amount of make out partners while in college.

We spend every weekand together because we dont see one another during the week because he is an hour away at college. Now,

Every time we make out...it is very passionate. We kiss for hours on end....were always up to about 5am every morning making out. We touch eachother...and we have had oral sex as well which he enjoys very much and I to as well. I have told him I respect the fact that he has chosen to wait (which I really do)...But sometimes I get this horrible urge to want to have sex with him. Now since he is a virgin...he doesnt know what he is missing but I do..lol. I really care alot about him and I want things between us to go on for a long long time. But what I want to know is.....should I ask him if he is ready to take that step of having sex? I dont want to see like I am pressuring him but in my mind it really seems like he wants to. We havent disscussed us having sex at all.

Should I let him know I want to? or should I wait for him to ask? Should I have a condom ready just incase it is soon? but if I have one on hand he might think I was assuming he was ready if he really isnt. Dammit I am soo confused. Any advice would really help.


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You should learn early on in relationships to respectfully communicate you feelings to your partner. You want to have sex you don't know if he is ready - there really isn't any way to know if you don't ask him. Since he is still a virgin perhaps he doesn't know how to approach the subject, maybe he still isn't ready, maybe he has other issues you might both need to discuss, whatever the case you must broach the subject and discuss it frankly. Be prepared to respect his wishes and do not put pressure on him if he still needs time.




Oh and yes, have a condom at hand, it doesn't matter how he may or may not 'read' that, if he has any sense he'll 'read' that you're a sensible and level headed young woman that has your (and his) well being in mind - if he doesn't see that you might like to reconsider the sex thing...

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We havent disscussed us having sex at all.


you can end the torment and confusion by discussing it with him. What is the worst, in your opinion, that he can say? No.


Then all you have to do is decide if you want to wait.


People didn't used to have sex until AFTER they were married!

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Start by playing for a while, then work your way around the bases. There's no timetable on these things, is there?

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why not just try and go for it next time you're both naked? if he tries to avoid it or pushes you away, just go on with what you were doing before that ... i doubt he'll turn you down though.



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