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Success stories getting back together


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I get the feeling that when people do get the ex back they stop posting here. It leaves us with nothing but negativity There has got to be some success stories out there. Post them here even if it is not your own. Tell us about anyone who had success getting the ex back.

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Found this story in the archives:



Anyways the guy i worked with dated his fiance since senior year in high school. He is 25 now so you figure probably something around 7 years or so. He and his now fiance (now wife) broke up about a year into the relationship for like 4 months. He said that they kept in casual contact and saw each other every os often. Then they got back together and dated until there next breakup, which lasted about 8 months. this time they said again they had casual contact but a lt less then the prior time and never saw each other. During this break, they both dated other people as well. He said he felt that they would get back togther but that he knew right now the relationship wasnt going to work. Anyways so after 8 months they got back togther. They dated again until the final and last break up. This time it lasted a whole year. during this break they never spoke once or saw each other. It was too hard for him and he was so heartbroken. He said it took him about 6 months to move on and finally be happy. He dated a couple different people and she did as well. He told me that he never thought that he would see her again or even speak to her this time. Finally one day he decided to call her and ask her to get coffee. I guess it was the right timing this time around because the rest is history. They ended up getting married last year and they both have never been happier.



The point of me sharing this story is that sometimes we do loose the ones that we love. I did (read my ost under second chances, "ex called need some advice" and you will see) and it hurts like nothing else. However just because we might loose them for 4 months, 8 months, or even a year it doesnt mean that we loose them forever. My friend told me that they both realized that by being apart and dating others that they were meant to be for each other. Hope this story gives a smile to some of us out there. Remeber have faith, have hope, but try to move on as well. Good Luck.........Kodiak

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Citizen Erased

I "dated" my current bf when we were about 14... does that count? :laugh: We have now been together for 3 years, after about 2 years apart but those three months when I was so young were just SO beautiful ;):p

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thats a start why did you guys break up. how did you get back together? just laughed at how young you were? Seems like adult relationships are harder to rekindle

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Citizen Erased
thats a start why did you guys break up. how did you get back together? just laughed at how young you were? Seems like adult relationships are harder to rekindle


We broke up because he stayed at his friends house for 2 days without telling his mum where he was and she grounded him for the 6 weeks summer holiday. I was pretty pissed off so when we got back to school I dumped him :lmao: I think it was quite mature myself :bunny:


I then dated this guy for about a year and a half, he was my first, we were so in love :sick: well pretty much I got bored of his whiney little bitch voice, his jealousy and the fact that we were just not compatible, got close to my ex and then we got back together.


I am not exactly the most experienced person, I haven't been single since I was 15 (yes I am 20 now) but it doesn't detract from the fact that we got past the end of High School, our lives changing etc. He supported me when I studied over in the US for a year, he even visited me sometimes at great expense. We live together, have gone through alot because of our families, our house being flooded and now because of that flood living with his parents :laugh:


He still pouts if anyone mentions I broke up with him tho :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second chances do happen, so do third, fourth ones. I was fifteen when I started dating my first boyfriend, he was two years older. Besides the age factor our relationship is also interracial and long distance. So...we had some rough times, broke up after 8 months,got back together 3 months later. 5 months down the road we ended it again, this time I thought for good. Dated others, I broke off all contact while he tried to stay friends. And then half a year later he wanted me back, it was a long shot and took a lot of faith, but after some long talks and self reflection we got back together again. I won't say things were rosy from then on because they weren't, the first few months were tough because we had all those issues to work through. But we did work through them, and I think for the first time we were both mature enough to resolve our conflicts. We celebrated our second anniversary in June and I'm so glad I didnt let go, I'd have missed out on a lot =)

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I copied and pasted this from another thread I posted in. Some of what I posted isn't really relevant to this particular thread. But anyway, here's my "getting back together" story.




When I was 15 (turning 16) I used this intranet service (for high school students). It wasn't a dating site. It was setup for students to discuss homework, intraschool sports, etc.


I met this guy through there. I've always been a sucker for smooth talkers - and boy was this guy smoooooooth. At that point in my life, I was surrounded by some real idiots. Most guys bored me. Half of them couldn't speak English properly (and if they could, they were too prissy). Few could write well. Anyway, this one guy caught my attention. I was intrigued by his charm (that came across in waves via the intranet). We began to talk on the phone and computer. I saw ONE pic of him. It was blurry and not too clear. He was "ok". My brother (who was a little kid at the time) made some rude comment about him looking ugly (or something to that effect). Anyway, I fell hard for him. He was intelligent, witty, and very charming (even at the tender age of 16). He had a way with his words that one...


So after two months of giggling and talking...we decided to meet. He came to my school. AND OMG! I remember thinking "holy mother of...". There is no way I'm dating this guy. He was too tall, too skinny and way too happy to be there with me. I mean he wasn't fawning all over me, but I just didn't like him. So that day, after he left, I decided that I would NOT date him. No way. Even though we called/considered each other "boyfriend-girlfriend" by then.


I called the poor sucker up the next day. Gave him some lame excuse about my parents (I wasn't allowed to date at the time) and told him that it wouldn't work. He said he understood. A huge wave of relief gentled lulled me into sleep that night. I had gotten rid of the guy. Thank God.


Fast forward to 10 years later.


I come across a name that is familiar on facebook (via a friend's friends list). As soon as I read the profile, I knew it had to be him. I messaged him. What I remember - the charm, the wit, the charisma - all there. Only now, he's one hot man - the kind of man that I've dreamt of being with (a friend mentioned, after I showed his pic to her, "this is exactly the kind of guy you always wanted to date"). Beautiful white, straight teeth, large masculine hands, stunning eyes. A killer smile and the sweetest voice. And smart as whip. Ambitious and caring. Speaks his mind and doesn't sugar coat.


I've never been so in love with anyone. He rocks my world. He's funny, sweet, and incredibly open minded. To this day, I regret not giving him more of a chance 10 years ago. I think about memories we've missed - the birthdays, the weddings, the family get togethers, the dates, the movies. EVERYTHING. It makes me sad that missed out on all of this because I didn't give him a chance. I judged him based on that ONE, initial meeting. And I lost years worth of memories because of it.


Sometimes, you really do need to give someone a chance. If you don't, you miss many opportunities to meet some great people.


I am not suggesting that you give this guy (with whom you went on a date recently) a second chance. What I am saying is that sometimes, we don't always put our best foot forward...sometimes there is more to a person that ONE meeting (or a profile or an email or a phone call).


I never in a million years thought I'd date my first boyfriend again. I now realize what a fool I was. He may have become hotter with age, but he remains that sweet, tender boy I met 10 years ago.

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