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Having a tough time with my girlfriend

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Me and my g/f have been together for 4 months now. Weve known each other about 6 months. In the begining i was scared i have never been in a real relationship before. And i lied to her alot because i was more interested in partying with my friends and running the roads. I hurt her very badly,and i saw her drifiting away so i started changing and now she doesnt have time for me we are still dateing but its not the same how i want it to be. She is how i was in the begining and i am how she was. How can i change that . Ive wrote her a letter and let her know the WHOLE TRUTH. But i do keep pressuring her about the relationship. During this time i cry every nite ive actually fell in love and believe i messed things up. And dont know if i pushed her away or what she tells me she loves me and wants to try to work things out but someone please help me i feel incomplete without her. Thanks,Jerry

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What goes around comes around. First thing, stop pressuring her. Second thing, relax. Just be cool and let things happen.


You seemed to be in control during the first part of the relationship and I think you're mostly upset now because you are no longer in control. Sorry, it's her turn.


If you want a healthy relationship, you have to pay the price and earn it. You didn't and now you have to face the consequences. Time will have to dictate the direction of this but you still don't seem to be getting things right. If you are putting pressure on her, she will resist with all her might and she will win. You are at her mercy...but don't let her know you know that.


Relax, be cool and let it happen. I hope you've learned something.

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Thanks Tony. Its hard for me to relax and quit pressuring her,but i know its the best thing to do. I guess when im not calling her 24/7 and aggravating her she will start to wonder. And during that time she will either put her all into coming back or we will just have to go on with our lives. Its hard ,but im gonna try my best to do just that. Thanks,Jerry

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Wow....I'm with Tony on this one. Stop crying, writing her letters etc...let's play a little game. Don't call her for a few days and see if she isn't all over you. Act like a man. That's all you need to do. Don't become all emotional around her. Be a Man, I can't stress it enough.

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