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still believing


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i still believe that my ex and i will get back together one day. some day. even though all evidence is to the contrary.


i've made a lot of changes in how i view relationships, b/c of us breaking up, and i know there are more to come. my mom talked to him after we broke up, (which i posted in another thread on family) and he told her that he'd only ever reconsider years in the future when i've made real changes, for myself and not for him. but how will i ever show him how i've changed, if he won't give me the time of day?

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I think I may be in a fairly similar situation. Except she claimed it wasnt me, it was her.. which as far as im concerned is a nicer way of saying it was me. We're currently 'friends' and I would give anything in the world to show her that ive changed and that I can be the man she always dreamed of. But this is hard without a second chance at the relationship. (see Do I Have A Chance?)


I think she may be willing to come out for a drink with me. I said drink because it seemed less like a date and, as a friend, she would be less likely to refuse.


Have you tried asking him if he would like to meet up for something to eat or a drink to catch up and have a chat? He might say yes and then he may begin to realise that you have changed and now see things differently.


Good luck. I think we'll both need it.

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