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Does he love me even though he needst time?


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Hi there,

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years but he lives in a different country. I had a very difficult time due to my mothers death and he's always been there supporting me, telling me how wonderful I am and how much he loved me etc.

He got a new and more demanding job 4 month ago and since then I felt neglected. Anyway, we were on a holiday 3 weeks ago and all went wrong, he was tired and I wasn't well either. So when I left, I told him that I love him and he said it to me as well. So back home I didn't hear anything for 2 day and then I received an e-mail telling me that he's very drained and tired and wants time to himself and then I just didn't hear anything and he switched his phones off, he also told me that he felt like locking himself into a room where nobody could harm him and he couldn't harm anybody either. I realised that I upset him lots and apologise with a big helium ballon saying 'I'm sorry' a cuddly toy plus a letter letting him know how greatful I am and what wonderful person he is and that I realised I didn't behave very nicely. I then got a mail letting me know that it was nice that doesn't help him at all.

Anyway, I told him that I visit him because I want to talk face to face and now he's coming to visit, he even has most of his things already moved to my place. So I asked him if he's just coming so he can finish with me and pick the stuff up but he said 'no'.

I have to say since the holiday, I have been feeling horrible and hardly ate anything. I'm trying to be strong and give him the time as I know anything else would push him even further away. We have had a 2 hours phone call (all about his work and that he's tired and hasn't thought about anything apart from work) and he called. I tried to be supportive and telling how well he does but it almost tore me apart because he didn't ask anything about me or say anything about us and all I wanted is hold him but of course I couldn't. I told him that I love him and he didn't say it but only said that he wouldn't have accepted the present if he didn't. I find this really hard because he always said how much he loved me and now he can hardly say it. I'm not sure anymore what I mean to him or if I worry too much and just should leave him the time. He's had a few bad relationships where he got used.

Has anybody made any similar experiences or could give me any suggestion as I realise that it makes me ill. Thank you.

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