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Rather confuzzing situation.

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[sIZE=2]Okay, T lives about an hour and a half away from where I live. We met, and there was some chemistry. However, he was in a relationship (albeit an open one). And I felt weird about the whole thing and backed off, because I didn’t want a situation like that. [/sIZE]


[sIZE=2]I really like this guy, he’s sweet and whenever we hang out we have the most interesting conversations. Whenever we’re together we act very couply, sitting on each other’s knees etc. He’s not a big fan of serious relationships, and when I told him that if I were to date him, even casually, I’d get jealous of anyone else he was seeing. He then backed down and in a nutshell said "I’m good with just friends"[/sIZE]


[sIZE=2]I developed feelings for him, and recently he’s broken up with his then-girlfriend. [/sIZE]


[sIZE=2]I told him I liked him a couple of days ago, but unfortunately did not quite give the impression that I was hoping for, which was to say I had feelings for him, but didn’t want anything but friendship. He took it quite the wrong way and when I txted him asking if it was okay if we were "just friends" he got quite annoyed/sad with me and stopped txting me apart from a "that’s okay, I understand"[/sIZE]


[sIZE=2]I feel like a heartless bitch for stringing him on like that, but I really don’t know the rules of the "love game" as it were, and I don’t think I’m mature enough to have any sort of relationship with anyone, much less an open one, and I really don't want to hurt him. [/sIZE]


[sIZE=2]I just don’t know what to do now. Do I just keep seeing him as friends and never bring this up again?[/sIZE]

[sIZE=2]Thanks so much [/sIZE]

[sIZE=2]Broadwing [/sIZE]

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