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How do I know if he likes me?

And its just Alice

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And its just Alice

Hey...I know this is gonna sound like one of those 'I don't know if he likes me please help',But its so much more than that...If you have any suggestions,please help!


It started a few months back...My mother had just died after a long battle with cancer and My dad had just moved back in as he and my mum had split up(but me and my younger sisters couldn't care for her because we we're in school)On the morning,I was set to go to france...I know it may sound harsh,but I actually went knowing my family were at home suffering and I was on a ferry to paris.I think I was running on adreniline because I soon returned home.Some days later,I became bored as all of my friends were in france and I signed onto the computer and began Instant messaging friends...My ex soon signed in(who I had and still have stong feelings for)and I said hi...he said he'd heard about my mum and out of desperation and lonliness,I invited him to hang out.We ended up walking to the park together just chatting and I couldn't help but feel he was staring at me...The thing was though,when I was with him,I felt I didn't find him attactive But I still wanted to be with him.When I got home,I suddenly wished I was with him and thats when it began.

I suddenly found myself dreaming of this guy I liked every night about things like waiting for a train and him getting on but me being left or walking accross a road hand in hand but he kept talking on his phone to another girl.I soon found out he had a new girlfriend and when I saw her,I felt really bad about myself.She was so much better than me in every way and i found myself crying every night...I think this was also part of the fact that I missed my mum and felt guilty but I really wanted this guy to like me.Everyday i'd find myself looking at his myspace to see if he'd broken up with his girlfriend and i'd check his comments to see if I was mentioned in any of his conversations.I knew I was obsessed and it had to stop..but I couldn't help it.I evern found myself listening to paris hilton screwed every night to make myself feel better.Then one day,I signed into myspace and I had a friend request...It was him.He'd broken up with his girlfriend and he'd started talking to me again asking me if I was okay..I suddenly felt upset and angry as if he was using me as rebound or what ever and I had a go at him and he hit back at me hard saying He didn't wanna speak to me again...A few days later,I saw him in the street and he wouldn't stop staring at me and he eventually said Hi but I just ignored him and walked on.

Three months later,I've found myself falling back into the same routine of looking at his myspace every day to see if he has a new girlfriend and I'll look at his comments and the people who sent the comments too.

Please help! I don't know if I should tell him how I feel or try to get over him


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