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Does He have the Right to CONTROL me??!??

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Okay i am fed up with this "friend" of mine. well lately we have been seeing each other a lot.. and we have been getting sexual but i am not the kind of girl who likes to label myself as someones GIRLFRIEND...ssoo there is this haloween party that me and a couple of my girls are going to... ]


he straight out called my custome a whore ass outfit.. and told me i better not go out dressed like that... we just fought over the phone for the fifth time and he hung up on me basically saying **** it you showed me a lot right now


OKAY what the hell is his problem??? i know y he is so jealouss but can i talk to him without having to fight!!

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Would you let any of your other "friends" speak to you like that?


Would you let a boyfriend speak to you like that?

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i just feel bad because like i said i care for him.. but not as MUCH as he does for me...we talked about it and he knows his wrong-doings, but i dont know if i am ready to put up with it as i told him...

it sucks that the one who loves you so much does not always get it fully in return, but i can't force myself into something that i do not feel at this moment should be.


and i spoke to him about the way he talks to me, and he knows that i will straight-out leave in a heartbeat if it will get worse or continue to stay the same..

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He talks to you like this because he has a boner for you. Insecure men who are "in love" will become posessive about the woman they're not dating. It's screwy as hell, but you have to understand that men get territorial about women they have feelings for.


He finds your costume sexy, and he knows that other men will find your costume sexy. He just doesn't want any of those other men to steal you away from him. I know you're not dating him, but that's just how most other men work. And I know it's an absolute turn-off.


Ditch him as a friend for his own sake. He won't move on with his love life until you kick him out of your life. Also, you won't have an insecure, controlling guy telling you what to do, where to go, and who you should hang out with.


I really feel for all you women putting up with these men who just don't ****ing get it.

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Blue Eyed Brain

Dump him. If he does call, ask him if he speaks to his mother that way. He was not brought up properly (to respect wormen) and therefore is undateable. Don't bother with him.

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