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Complicated - Human sandwich?

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Hi White Flower. I have but they are not into it. I have thot of it. I tell you, there have been alot of time I thot of helping them out that way since I ahve been with both of them but they have told me seprately they don't like that. MW actually is ok with it but not with husband. She said if it with another man and me, ok for her.


I am not sure if you can say one woman can be 40% Lesbian and the rest hetro..... I know anything is possible. Crazy possibilities.


Oh my gosh. I apologize. I thought you were in this for selfish purposes (sex and opening up a bakery.) I didn't know you actually wanted to help them out. What a good person. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

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Holy mary mother of jesus, hotdiggidy I dunright warned you this would happend didn't I? Fine mess you got yourself in Milx. Whenever I find myself at a crossroad I ask myself "what would Jesus do"? And then I pray 5 hail mary's and an act of contrition. But ok this is what you are going to do, you are going to tell your married man to meet you at a place and time and you are going to tell the married woman to do the same, seperately. Then they are going to meet and you will show up a few minutes laters to the same meeting place and one of them is going say hello or act surprised to see you or something, when the other sees the reaction they say "but how do you know...." "how do I know, how do YOU know......"and that's when you run like hell and never look back. Take the children and run take all the children take their children and the children you pass on the street too, and go to Michigan and never look back. You and your kids can start the chicken farm you always dreamed of and Jesus will be waiting for you in Michigan. By the way Jesus is my Mexican cousin he will set you up with a place to stay meanwhile....he's cute and single too, if you like latin types.

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Holy Mother of God!!!!!:lmao: That was the funniest post I've read in ages!:laugh:


But seriously, Milks there's some wonderful advice here. You should take it to heart. I mean it.

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Hi OpenBook. What does that mean??? I am wondering where Pollywag and the rest are. THey seem to have good things to help me. With your name, I'm sure you read a lot and can maybe give me some good points?


Yes I do read a lot. But I've never read anything like your thread here. I know it seems like a precarious position for you to be in, but it could give you some excellent insight into the inner workings of a M... from the very rare perspective of the meat in the middle of the sandwich. I hope you will continue to share what happens!!

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Holy mary mother of jesus, hotdiggidy I dunright warned you this would happend didn't I? Fine mess you got yourself in Milx. Whenever I find myself at a crossroad I ask myself "what would Jesus do"? And then I pray 5 hail mary's and an act of contrition. But ok this is what you are going to do, you are going to tell your married man to meet you at a place and time and you are going to tell the married woman to do the same, seperately. Then they are going to meet and you will show up a few minutes laters to the same meeting place and one of them is going say hello or act surprised to see you or something, when the other sees the reaction they say "but how do you know...." "how do I know, how do YOU know......"and that's when you run like hell and never look back. Take the children and run take all the children take their children and the children you pass on the street too, and go to Michigan and never look back. You and your kids can start the chicken farm you always dreamed of and Jesus will be waiting for you in Michigan. By the way Jesus is my Mexican cousin he will set you up with a place to stay meanwhile....he's cute and single too, if you like latin types.

Again, I am in stitches!

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Ok, Milx. I'm sorry. I believe you now. I've looked your posts over and I see I was mistaken. I want to help too.


I really hope you'll take Gold Polly up on his generous offer. You should really think about going with Jesus. What have you got to lose? I think Jesus can really help you.


What do you think? Will you think about it?

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Holy mary mother of jesus, hotdiggidy I dunright warned you this would happend didn't I? Fine mess you got yourself in Milx. Whenever I find myself at a crossroad I ask myself "what would Jesus do"? And then I pray 5 hail mary's and an act of contrition. But ok this is what you are going to do, you are going to tell your married man to meet you at a place and time and you are going to tell the married woman to do the same, seperately. Then they are going to meet and you will show up a few minutes laters to the same meeting place and one of them is going say hello or act surprised to see you or something, when the other sees the reaction they say "but how do you know...." "how do I know, how do YOU know......"and that's when you run like hell and never look back. Take the children and run take all the children take their children and the children you pass on the street too, and go to Michigan and never look back. You and your kids can start the chicken farm you always dreamed of and Jesus will be waiting for you in Michigan. By the way Jesus is my Mexican cousin he will set you up with a place to stay meanwhile....he's cute and single too, if you like latin types.


Thank you, Pollywag for your offer but I don't think that will help me in dealing this? I love them both, crazy as it sounds but I do.


I want to help them out as well. I am not going to be selfish here by telling one of them to let go and leave their lifes to the fullest..... no.... I want them to work it out. I have even suggested marriage counselling since everywhere I go, I read marriage couselling helps. I don't believe in that because I think if you let it out in the open between one another, things will be better. I could be in the wrong but I never loose faith in that if two people talk about how they feel then things will be good.


How is it that they both can be open with me but not with themselfs?

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Yes I do read a lot. But I've never read anything like your thread here. I know it seems like a precarious position for you to be in, but it could give you some excellent insight into the inner workings of a M... from the very rare perspective of the meat in the middle of the sandwich. I hope you will continue to share what happens!!


Thank you for your repsond. Right now I don't know if I want to continue telling my situation as I am constantly being mocked. Not everyone leave a life of happiness and fantasy-like marriage. I believe in eahc of us, in any situation there is a bad side to it. May not be all the time but I am sure once at least. This is rare. I am not saying it isn't. It happens. I long for the day that I am no longer the meat in between two hot breads..... but right now..... that seems so far away.

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How is it that they both can be open with me but not with themselfs?


Probably because you're the new kid on the block. They've got years and years of resentments and neuroses built up between them. You're fresh meat (if you'll excuse the expression), with a blank slate upon which to write. And they both seem to enjoy writing on that slate too!! I hope that being that slate isn't confusing for you. I have never been able to understand bisexuality... (speaking for myself) because of that reason (too confusing!!). But to each his/her own, I say.

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Thank you, Pollywag for your offer but I don't think that will help me in dealing this? I love them both, crazy as it sounds but I do.


I want to help them out as well. I am not going to be selfish here by telling one of them to let go and leave their lifes to the fullest..... no.... I want them to work it out. I have even suggested marriage counselling since everywhere I go, I read marriage couselling helps. I don't believe in that because I think if you let it out in the open between one another, things will be better. I could be in the wrong but I never loose faith in that if two people talk about how they feel then things will be good.


How is it that they both can be open with me but not with themselfs?


How do you know they're not? Maybe they lie in bed at night and talk about you and what you do for them. They might get titillated by it all somehow. Some people are into that kind of thing. Maybe you're the one in the dark? Could that be?

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This is no laughing matter ladies, we must help our sexy Minx do what is correct.Ahhh.... Openbook the proverbial meat sandwich, nothing comes between two peices of bread better than a good old slab of meat. Who needs mustard or even cheese when you've got meat. I can relate I am quite them ham myself. On a sidenote: White Flower I read your signature quickly and I thought it said "I'm older and have more moustache" I was going to say "hotdiggiddy so do I!!" But then I realised it didn't say that so I won't confess to anything weird.

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This is no laughing matter ladies, we must help our sexy Minx do what is correct.Ahhh.... Openbook the proverbial meat sandwich, nothing comes between two peices of bread better than a good old slab of meat. Who needs mustard or even cheese when you've got meat. I can relate I am quite them ham myself. On a sidenote: White Flower I read your signature quickly and I thought it said "I'm older and have more moustache" I was going to say "hotdiggiddy so do I!!" But then I realised it didn't say that so I won't confess to anything weird.


No moustache here, but still in stitches. Thanks for the laughs. I think I'll subscribe to all your posts.:p

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Probably because you're the new kid on the block. They've got years and years of resentments and neuroses built up between them. You're fresh meat (if you'll excuse the expression), with a blank slate upon which to write. And they both seem to enjoy writing on that slate too!! I hope that being that slate isn't confusing for you. I have never been able to understand bisexuality... (speaking for myself) because of that reason (too confusing!!). But to each his/her own, I say.


That could be it but aren't married couples suppose to be open with one another? If that happen, I don't think one will go out with another person? MW had an affair with other man before she meet me, I asked her why did she have an affair. Her answer was that husband isn't always there for her. Not true. Husband always at home. Went home straight after work to be with wife but wife is always out. He even planned something good for them both but wife ended up cancelling last minit of it. I know that because both told me that. I don't have a problem being a bisex, I was never confused about anything except for this situation now because who knows I would end up seeing both who is married to each other???? Like I said earlyer on, my face was big time shocked when I found out!!!!! Imagine how they'd feel when they find out they are both doing the same women??!?!

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This is no laughing matter ladies, we must help our sexy Minx do what is correct.Ahhh.... Openbook the proverbial meat sandwich, nothing comes between two peices of bread better than a good old slab of meat. Who needs mustard or even cheese when you've got meat. I can relate I am quite them ham myself. On a sidenote: White Flower I read your signature quickly and I thought it said "I'm older and have more moustache" I was going to say "hotdiggiddy so do I!!" But then I realised it didn't say that so I won't confess to anything weird.


I thot I saw mustache too!!!! By golly! Please stop with the sandwich talk. I am beginning to think of myself being the meat in between them two..... :love:

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Thank you for your repsond. Right now I don't know if I want to continue telling my situation as I am constantly being mocked. Not everyone leave a life of happiness and fantasy-like marriage. I believe in eahc of us, in any situation there is a bad side to it. May not be all the time but I am sure once at least. This is rare. I am not saying it isn't. It happens. I long for the day that I am no longer the meat in between two hot breads..... but right now..... that seems so far away.


I'm verry sorry Milx I thought I was helping you, maybe my plan is not the best in the world but lord knows I'm only trying to help. I can understand it's not easy being the peice of meat in the bread that holds that sandwich together, but look on the bright side at least you are not in a pickle like the other lady on this foum who said she is in a real pickle. Shoo, she could't even get two peices of bread she had to go in a pickle. Dang! I'll pray 6 hail marys for her.

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Da*n! This is some messy ***** here!!


I don't know how you do it, Milx. Now, I am not judging you nor mocking you but I really wonder how the hell do you juggle the two of them. Do you have to device a plan beforehand so that you don't get caught or one of them not getting caught by the other?


I don't even want to imagine how D-Day is going to be like for all 3 of you! I don't know if this would help but have you thought about stepping back for a few days, even weeks and review the whole situation?


Therapy is not for everyone, I agree but seriously, give it a try. That's the least you can do. Btw, I read one of your posts, your friend got hit by her therapist? Literally or hit her as in asked her out? Now if that is it, totally wrong thing to do and should be reported especially if he poke the bowl with his spatula! (Am I thinking spatula as the male anatomy here??). I'm sorry but seeing that English isn't your first language I kinda got confused reading your posts. Again, I am not mocking and I am sorry if I came across as that!

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I'm verry sorry Milx I thought I was helping you, maybe my plan is not the best in the world but lord knows I'm only trying to help. I can understand it's not easy being the peice of meat in the bread that holds that sandwich together, but look on the bright side at least you are not in a pickle like the other lady on this foum who said she is in a real pickle. Shoo, she could't even get two peices of bread she had to go in a pickle. Dang! I'll pray 6 hail marys for her.


I see that you haven't been here long but are you talking about who I think you're talking about? Off topic, sorry!!!


In a way, you're helping her get out of her messy situation but look on the bright side, she is trying to help a couple work on their M. At least... I think that is what she is trying to do. :o

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In all seriousness Milx do either of them know that you are seeing someone else? Or do they think you are exclusive with each of them? This is a very tough situation indeed. And you say you love them both but surely you must love one more than the other? Is it possible to love two people equally?

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Well, I for one think you're being greedy. You don't need a whole sandwich you know. I'd go for half a sandwich and a bowl of soup maybe. But I have a small appetite so who knows?


I mean do you gorge yourself at every meal? I'm sure you don't. Same here. Smaller portions might do you good. Maybe you should fast for awhile actually. I hear it can do a body good.

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In all seriousness Milx do either of them know that you are seeing someone else? Or do they think you are exclusive with each of them? This is a very tough situation indeed. And you say you love them both but surely you must love one more than the other? Is it possible to love two people equally?


D*mn straight! It's possible to love more than 2 people but the level of love differs from one another. Like Pollywag said, you must love one more but if you feel that you love both equally, then good for you! I still don't think that's possible.

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D*mn straight! It's possible to love more than 2 people but the level of love differs from one another. Like Pollywag said, you must love one more but if you feel that you love both equally, then good for you! I still don't think that's possible.


Well that's just the thing Lyssa I feel like it's a strange irony they are in because all three of them are in love with two people it seems, so thery are all in the same predicament. So if one of them drops out that is three relationships that they will have to grieve over. Or is it two...wait now I lost count!??!

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Well that's just the thing Lyssa I feel like it's a strange irony they are in because all three of them are in love with two people it seems, so thery are all in the same predicament. So if one of them drops out that is three relationships that they will have to grieve over. Or is it two...wait now I lost count!??!


Okay, if one of them drops out, it leaves 2 of them. But it depends on which rship one drops out of? If MW left her, then she is grieving over one rship. Right? Milx will grieve over one rship too. Wait... how many rships will MM grieve over? Eff... this is way too confusing. This is very confusing for me, imagine how confusing OP is!


Did we scare her away? I wonder if she's working out a plan right now to work things out between the 3 of them!

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There you all go again, making fun of me! Oh well... people always find it fun to take another person's misery.

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In all seriousness Milx do either of them know that you are seeing someone else? Or do they think you are exclusive with each of them? This is a very tough situation indeed. And you say you love them both but surely you must love one more than the other? Is it possible to love two people equally?


No they don't know. MM wouldn't mind because he is after all married and it would selfish of him to want me all to himself but I know if I told him I am seeing someone, he would be upset. As for MW, she would go monkey if she knew! It's like what people say, she is a cake eater. She is literally too. She loves cheesecake and I always tease her about eating cheesecake and wanting it all to herself.


I do love one more than the other. I just don't know which one more. Sometimes it's the MM, sometimes it's MW. Do I make any sence?

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