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hes avoiding me like the plague


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Ok, I posted this on a different section, but I dont think it was under the right category, so Im going to try again..


I have known my boyfriend for close to ten years.. we were friends for many years before we started dating. And for as long as we've known each other, we've had a very intense sexual attraction for each other. At one point about 6 or 7 years ago, we became intimate... and that only added to the attraction. I would by lying if I said I wasn't in love with him way back then.

Unfortunately, because we were young and in high school still, he got into the drug scene really bad. He had a horrible meth addiction for a couple years, and we lost contact because of it. During that time, he slept around with a lot of girls.. basically, he was a little male whore.

Fast forward a few years and he went to rehab, cleaned up his act, and grew up. It was then that we started hanging out again, and eventually, we started dating. It will be 2 years in December.


Now here is my problem. Because of his past of being sexually permiscuous and our past of uncontrollably attracted to each other, I went into this relationship thinking we would have this amazing, mind blowing sex or something at least remotely close to it.

The problem is, we don't. Its nothing even close to what it use to be. In the beginning, it was just new all over again, so there were no complaints. But now.. its a whole different story.

We've talked about it because its a major strain on our relationship, but nothing ever is really resolved. He says his sex drive has diminished because of his drug use and the fact that he had gotten an STD in the past, and that "freaked" him out a little.

Thats all fine, except for the fact hes shown me he still has the stamina.. and he slept with more women after his STD anyways, so his excuses dont quite make sense to me.


Ok, I am 22. I have a VERY high sex drive, I am down for anything and anytime. Ive been told by many people thats rare in a girl, and its a great thing.

He is almost 24, he is suppose to be in his prime.. whats the deal?


Let me give you a little idea of what this is all about..

Maybe once a week I will get lucky and he will be "in the mood." But thats only if I'm lucky, and like I said, MAYBE once a week. Maybe.

As of now, its been at least 2.

Every time I try to come onto him, he brushes me off with a handful of excuses. Either hes tired, or he doesnt feel good, or hes got a headache, or hes hungry, or his favorite TV show is on, or he needs a cigarette, or he wants to finish his beer, or any other thing he can fling my way.

Then I get a guilt trip if I want to go pleasure myself after Ive been turned down.. its like its not ok that I have needs too.

But heres the kicker... on MANY occasions after Ive been turned down, I either catch him in the act of masterbating, or I find evidence of it.

So I know hes gotten turned on enough to need to release himself...

my question is why is it not with me? Why is it that he can dictate our entire sex life? I have needs too.


So my question is: why do you think he doesnt want to be intimate with me anymore? Is he cheating? Is he just not attracted to me?

What is going on here?

Any ideas? Any anything? I need some serious help here!

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