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Is he jealous?


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I like a guy who I have known for about 3 years now, he shares me the same feelings as I have for him. He has not said anything but I KNOW he is jealous that I talk to people on my contact list. I have had conversations with some of my buddys so he can see nothing is going on between them, but he seems moody if I use MSN when he is around.


I stayed at he's house for a few days and played he's xbox360.... He came home from work and asked how my day was so I told him and told him about this game called Fear which I was playing multiplayer. He asked if I talked to anyone on the game using the 360 headset, I said yea...he seemed to go silent, so I told him about the conversation junk them and I talked about, but he didn't look me in the eye, he looked at the floor or at the TV, but I could see he looked jealous.


He was asleep, it was like 6:30am so I got up and went on loveshack before he woke up, he got up, so I made him lunch, he went on the PC and was looking on loveshack and he asked me why I go on it, I said because I like to try help people on the site, he goes on to say he doesnt think its good for me as I will get 'bad ideas' about relationships :confused: He sounded jealous and a little bit angry.


If I am on the compter just watching videos, listening to music, playing a game which is not involved with speaking to other people, then he is fine with it.


He has not come out and told me he is jealous, but I can see and hear in he's voice that he is jealous.


Does it seem like he is jealous or just concerned for my online safety?

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he went on the PC and was looking on loveshack and he asked me why I go on it, I said because I like to try help people on the site, he goes on to say he doesnt think its good for me as I will get 'bad ideas' about relationships


Tell him not to worry, and that you can only get bad ideas from a user named Lovegod :)


It's the typical, natural territorial instinct that men have to protect the woman they're ****ing (or the woman they want to ****) combined with insecurity. That's what's happening.


If it gets too annoying, there's little chance that he'll change, and you may have to make the decision to move on. But that's too far down the road to say yet. Enjoy it while you've got it!


...and just in case he logs on to check on what you been doing... HI DUDE! :D

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He doesnt know my passwords so he wouldn't log on .


He can still log on at home. We'll just have to flirt through the Private Messaging system. :)

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LOL, Lovegod might get ya into more trouble :D


But I'm concerned about your friend's reaction.. be wary that you're not in a relationship yet, and he can't be straightforward about his feelings because he really has no "right" to object about your talking to other men. I'd say yes he's jealous and it's great if he would just seem disappointed and uncomfortable, but becoming angry? He's is become a little possessive. You should talk to him about it. Share your feelings, tell him you like him, why haven't you started a formal relationship yet? Let him express himself.


And think about whether you're fine with it. Because if you decide to start a relationship with this guy, then realize you will have to socialize only when you're away from him. Or not socialize at all because he gets REALLY jealous. Are you ok with that?

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