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relationship meant to be

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I believe in fate. That we are meant to meet people in our lives for specific reasons.


I met a guy almost 2 years ago that I believe we were meant to meet. I found out that we belonged to the same outdoor club, went to 2 events together...but didnt know each other then. And we belonged to the same gym, but didnt know each other either. Also, we work in the same industry....but we both met online!


We have many similar qualities and interests. We were together for about 2 years. It was meant to be.


But now, we have been apart for almost a year and out lives dont seem to be synchronized like when we first needed to meet each other.


Does this mean that we arent meant for each other in a long term sense?

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It means it was meant to be at that time


My stbx and I were a lot like you and guy, strange happenings/meetings in the past, I was sure we were meant to be....and we were for a time.....


Everyone comes into your life for a reason, but don't hold on to something just because you think it was "meant to be" or "fate"


lives go in defferent directions, sometimes you can not fight it, I believe the only fate you have is the one you make

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Fate = predetermined course of events; inevitability


If you believe in that, then yes, you are not meant to be, because you are not together. The course of events that played out has not left you together. So it was inevitable that you part. Your fate was to meet, but to eventually end up apart.

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