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When does it end...

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Hello everyone. I know that I have not been around for a while, but I hope you will take a look anyway.


Brief background: I have been dating this younger guy for over 2 years now. There is a 9 year difference. I care about him a great deal and would love to see this relationship work out. However, I think I have reached the point where I just can't take anymore. He says things that I just cannot believe. I have a 12 year old son and yes he has some problems. I am stressed out enough...I don't need him telling me everything that is wrong. He doesn't stop. I have never met a man that complains so much. He complains about everything and I mean everything.


We just spent a 4 day weekend together, which was ok...not great, but o.k. He normally spends the nights at my house. Now he has decided he wants to stay home. He says that he is just tired of the same **** that happens every night with my son. I believe him or could it be something more? :confused:


Oh yeah...His phone charger is like a permanent fixture at my house and on Monday night he decided to take it home. It's as if he knew that he would not be coming back for the week. However, "all" of his clothes are still at my house. I have no idea what to think about any of this? :confused:


I am tired of his bitching, moaning and complaining about every little thing. Maybe the week might do us good. Maybe it is just what we need...What do you think? :confused:

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People don't change in a week. Most never change at all. The outlook isn't good.


Why do people stay with partners who cause them discomfort in hopes they will change??? What are you getting out of this relationship???


The two of you are totally incompatible, especially when it comes to your son...who is an important part of you. If there are so many problems in this relationship, how can you hope it works out??? Why, oh why, do you want to expose your son to this chaos and make him feel guilty all the days of his life??? You owe it to your son to provide a peaceful, contented environment where some guy from the outside isn't bitching about him every night.


If you're afraid there may be no other men out there for you, your supposition is without merit. Go find Mr. Right.

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I agree with Tony on this (big shock!). I don't believe in exposing kids to situations and relationships that just aren't working. Kids internalize things much more than you realize and he probably thinks all or most of this is his fault. Maybe you should just be alone with your son for a while and concentrate on that relationship and getting his problems squared away before focusing on another relationship. It's important that your kid feel like he's important in your life, especially if the other situation isn't working anyway. YOU deserve better than that and so does he. Good luck!

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Thank you for your replys.


Believe me I have thought about this alot. Yes, I am scared. This I know. However, I know that I can live without a personal relationship. I have for many years. This is the first one that I have in several years. I was hoping this one was going to be different. He is young, doesn't have any baggage and I thought was willing to experience life. I was wrong all the way around. The young factor plays more of a part than I was willing to admit. In my opinion, you have to want to learn. If the want is not there then you won't really learn anything. This is him...There is no want. He would much rather live at home with Mommy and Daddy then do anything on his own. It seems that he does not want the responsibility, for anything or anyone, including himself.


Again, thank you.

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