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He is driving me crazy


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I really am confused by this guy that I like, and it's driving me crazy.


When I first noticed him, it seemed to me that he tried to get my attention, doing things like coming by every morning and every afternoon and looking at me, smiled at me and just being friendly. At times he would even ride by my area at my work a few times in just a couple of minutes, all the while looking at me. Now this went on for a couple of months and I started to get an interest in him. I would return his wave and smile and even initiate it at times. He continued to come around and I thought well maybe something can come of this. He found out that I am interested in him, which I was thinking that's great, so maybe now he will approach me, but I later found out that he is shy and anti social and he just got out of a bad relationship(one of his friends told me this). As of late he hasn't been coming by as much in the afternoon, it pretty much has come to a stop. So I thought ok he isn't interested, until one morning he walked by and I was busy when he passed by and when I noticed him he was a few feet past my area and he looked back at me and gave me a smile and a little nod, so I was thinking well maybe I was wrong. I decided to see how he does the next time I see him. It was a couple of days before I saw him and again when I did see him it was after he had already pasted by and he was a little bit further away but he turned and looked at me and smiled and waved.:D Since then he doesn't ride by in the morning but he walks by my place on his way to his office and we always, I mean always are looking at each other and smiling and waving. So I decided to call him over and break the ice. I asked him a question about if he got a piece of cake that I sent over to him from my birithday and he said yeah and wish me a happy birthday, so later in the day he came by before I left and looked at me and gave me a smile, my co workers noticed the look that we gave each other and ask me what that was about. We have gotten comfortable with each other as far as greeting each other, but it seems we are stuck at this point. We catch each other looking and when I am busy my co wokers tell me he's looking over at you and one morning last week I was busy when he came by, so I didn't get a chance to say anything to him, so about an hour later he rode by and looked over at me and we smiled and waved to each other. I have started to try and make more conversation with him and he does respond but the conversation is limited since there is always alot of people around or he is in a hurry.


Finally my questions, one... does it seem like he likes me? I want to have better conversations with him so I can get to know him and maybe ask him out but I don't know how to get him to open up, any suggestions?

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I'm in a similar situation at my work but he's my advice. Could you organize a little outing with your work friends like going out for drinks on a Friday or something? Ynow get friends from work to go out for a drink on a Friday night and then say Hey, we are all going out after work do you want to come? It's non threatening, easy to do, and if he declines it's not too heartbreaking. Or try to find a time when he and you aren't busy like break time or lunch and go " accidently run into him" in the break room or something. Hope that helps good luck!

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Finally my questions, one... does it seem like he likes me?


Only one way to find out - ask him out! If he turns you down, you'll get over it.


I hate it when two people who are attracted to each other dance around for friggin ever and nobody has the balls to break the ice, especially the man. Since I can't kick his ass to ask you out, I'm gonna have to kick your ass to ask him out. Do it before he gets into an intimate relationship with his hand.

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