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Is she too far gone?

Trouble in Paradise

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Trouble in Paradise

My wife has been going through some things and I guess she hates coming home, she says she feels like a different person and she isn't in love with me anymore. We have a 2 year old and she said why would I want to stay anywhere where i'm not happy.


The good news is that she is still receptive toward me. I didn't do anything wrong to her, she just says we're different people and this happened over time. She says that she needs space and is looking for a place of her own and then we'll work on it. I've posted a couple other scenarios on this board that can help you determine how far gone she is.




I love her, I really do, and i'm willing to do anything to save my family. She seems like she is up for it but has her reservations. I'm starting to think she is too far gone and I need to figure out how to move on and make the best life for my son. I love her and him both but she seems to only care about herself and him, she never thinks about the long run. I am killing myself over her right now. If I go to hug her, she hugs me back, if I kiss her she is responsive and if I hold her hand she holds mine. I don't know if these are mixed signals and she isn't trying to stir dust or if this is a sign of life.


I never needed more help than I need now to save my family. I don't want to divorce and I don't want my baby to have to grow up like that. I don't care how many people do it, I don't want that for my baby.


What do you guys make of this?

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