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This is kind of complicated. I know this girl from high school. We became closer during our senior year, there was some friendly flirting...nothing ever happened. It took me a while to accept that I really did have feelings for her. From comments on her myspace page from one of her friends, I kind of assumed they were dating. We never outright said anything to each other, but I've gathered that she is indeed, gay. I guess I kinda liked her and now that we're in college, we met up for dinner. She doesn't go where I go, but her same friend does. So she came up for the weekend. On saturday night we went to dinner, I mean, if I was dating someone, I never got to see them, I wouldn't go out to dinner with some random friend from high school like the only major night I was in town. She definately isn't sure about whether I'm interested or not, I think she kinda suspects. Like she asked me about guys like 4 times, like one time about getting me a hispanic guy (b/c i like the food), one about hooking up with frat guys, one time about if there are any guys in general, and another about this german guy i said was hot. In like an hour...I don't know. She touched my back. also asked what i was doing later in the night. she calls me bud and it almost sounded like babe. when we were walking back we took a way that was like double the distance we had to go, i didn't choose the route. this morning she visited me where I work, and brought that friend...and the comments on the page from the friend are all love, beautiful, miss you, etc.


So wtf? I'm pretty sure she's dating her friend, but after this, I'm not totally sure, is she just screwing with me? She doesn't know i've even considered girls, but really it's just her, no other girls. other then that...guys all the way. I don't know. ugh. we're going to hang out over a break...should i wait until then? get trashed together and then get my answers? should i ask if she's dating anyone now, like friendly convo?





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Since nobody else is touching this post with a 10 ft pole, I'll give it a shot even thought I'm no expert on gay relationships.


Women like to experiment with new and exciting things so even if she isn't a les, she might be open to something different. Start getting "touchy" with her and then say something like "if you weren't straight, I'd so ask you out!" Then her answer will tell you how to proceed.

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