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What should i do


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I have been going out to dinner with this very nice guy for apx 9 mths. On our first dinner date we discussed relationships. And he informed me that he was not dating anyone specifically. Well as time went by we started seeing more and more of each other mainly dinner dates never any thing intimate. However, I have began to really like this man. And I knows that he likes me and we truly enjoy each others company. Well his birthday came around and I purchased him a nice present. After receiving the gift he infoms me that he is involved in a long distance relationshi( 8 hours apart) with a lady of a different race.(Which I really didn't care about her race) the fact is that he led me to believe that he was single.. Well we have gone out since this occasion and I still am very much attracted to him.. And based on our conversations. I was the one in the dark but his girlfriend knew all along that he was having dinner building a friendship with me. He even went as far to say that she encouraged him to go out with me because she trust him and he should be able to have friends.. (granted he has never crossed the line).


Can someone explain to me why a woman would encourage her man to go out with other single women. Im a trusting person but is that not asking for trouble. Especially when your man makes it clear that he does not want you going out alone with other men.

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It sounds pretty dumb to me but it takes all kinds.


At least you got lots of free dinners from him. However, if you really feel like you are falling for him, give it up. By not telling you that he had a relationship (albeit a long distance one), he was lying by concealment and you can no longer trust him.


I don't think I would want to continue seeing somebody I didn't trust, even if I was getting free food out of the deal. Poop on that!

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You ask what should you do? Date other men, immediately.


He may not have been dating this woman nine whole months ago--who knows when it started?


Can someone explain to me why a woman would encourage her man to go out with other single women. Im a trusting person but is that not asking for trouble.


Why? If you are trusting, it shouldn't be a problem. I have loads of male friends, and the guy I'm dating has loads of female friends. I don't see any problem with it as long as you trust the other person. Clearly, she trusts him, and clearly she has reason to:


(granted he has never crossed the line)


I'm curious, who pays for these dinners? Did you think you two were dating, or that you were just friends? (Although I'm not sure how you could think you were dating if nothing intimate ever went on...but it seems odd that you bought him a really nice birthday gift.) It does seem slightly weird that he never mentioned his girlfriend in nine months, but I suppose it depends on how often you two go out and what your topics of conversation are. How did you meet this guy? Through work?

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I never thought we where dating. However I did think that it was heading in that direction. After telling me he had a girlfriend. He said they have been dating for 5 years. Long distance.... We alternated paying for dinners...

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