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i just asked this girl out


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i just asked this girl out to the movies and she said i dont mind and also she said she was really busy with sport on the weekends.


Is this a yes or a no??


thanks if you help

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i just asked this girl out to the movies and she said i dont mind and also she said she was really busy with sport on the weekends.


Is this a yes or a no??


thanks if you help


Sounds to me like "I don't want a date, but I'll go if you buy the ticket to something I want to see..."

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Didn't you have the same thread on another board?? You've asked her once and she said I don't mind followed by I have sports over the weekend etc... either she's not interested or wants you to ask again.

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To me, this sounds like this is yes. Just because she says she have sports on the weekend doesn't mean that she won't be interesting. She won't have sports all day-- Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So lighten up some. If you're an interesting guy then she'll consider going out. If you're the opposite, then I would suppose that she made up that excuse. Good Luck!!

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Sorry. She's not interested. A girl that is into you will clear her schedule or won't say things she said to you about being busy with sports on weekends. Think about it. If you liked a girl wouldn't you postpone your sports in order to spend time with her? I would.

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Dunno. Maybe just avoiding a direct refusal. I would say more likely she isn't interested or too busy for you to keep botherin her about it.

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