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choosing the one to get marry?

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I am into this LDR... and incredible I got engaged on Feb 14th this year. we met on Nov 05 and we had been together (when we decided to have a relationship) since April last year with my now fiance and we just had seen each other 3 times but we talk like 2-4 times every single day. I know i love him super much and he loves me alot too. I am soo happily engaged, even if we are hoping being together pretty soon (wedding plans) sometimes i get sad bc i cant wait to see him and i miss him soo much.


I love the fact that, even if we haven't share physically alot, I know from heart I want to be with him. I am proud of him and super glad i am the one being his wife-to-be soon.


Which are the facts that makes you choose the one for you to get marry?


my facts are for example the respect he have for me, how much he feels proud about me,.. the way he takes care of me, how hes there for me not matter what and how he supports me in everything; the way he works so hard just to let me know its all for us and he shows it right away. I love him and I cant wait to be with this man, hes the dream of my life.

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I am into this LDR... and incredible I got engaged on Feb 14th this year. we met on Nov 05 and we had been together (when we decided to have a relationship) since April last year with my now fiance and we just had seen each other 3 times but we talk like 2-4 times every single day.

Whoa! You've only seen each other 3 times???


Mr. Lucky

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Congrats on your engagement (although I am wee bit too late!)!


As for me, I would marry someone who accepts me for who and what I am - vice versa. Someone who will be with me through thick and thin. Work things out when things go wrong. I want to marry someone I can grow old with but looking around on this forum - that seemed a bit far-fetched!

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Whoa! You've only seen each other 3 times???


Mr. Lucky


whats wrong with that??

Well, I don't think you can know someone's true nature and personality until you experience some things with them. I'd want to understand how they handled adversity and triumph, conflict and friendship, sickness and health, stress and the good times. You're not going to find that out online or on the phone. Just my opinion...


Mr. Lucky

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I know that for a fact. But just imagine.... I cant live it that bc i am into a LDR and those facts even when he comes and visit me, he stays for max 10 days, i know that i dont experience enough with him. I guess I'd be living that with him the time and moment that I move with him (or get marry).


but yes, im agreed with your opinion.

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but yes, im agreed with your opinion.

Regardless, tontita, I hope it goes well for you. One of the happiest marriages I know is an Indian couple that we are friends with. Their's was an arranged marriage (in India before they came here) and they only met once before the ceremony. Luck probably has more to do with it than anything else...


Mr. Lucky

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Luck probably has more to do with it than anything else...


Mr. Lucky


Hopefully, I hope i am into this luck circle. I love him so much and he loves me the same way too. =) i wish just to be next to him, hes the best for me

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