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Watched When Harry Met Sally with my closest female friend tonight

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you can pretty much imagine what i'm thinking right now... i actually teared up cuz I like her but I'm scared ****less to get hurt again, and I don't even think she feels the same, but you never know...

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you can pretty much imagine what i'm thinking right now... i actually teared up cuz I like her but I'm scared ****less to get hurt again, and I don't even think she feels the same, but you never know...


You're in one of the touchiest situations anybody could be in. Watch for subtle messages from her. It could happen, one day she opens the door for you. Or she could shoot you down like at M-16 machine gun. Don't say anything or make any moves until she gives you some indication of interest...and even then pick your words carefully.

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You're in one of the touchiest situations anybody could be in. Watch for subtle messages from her. It could happen, one day she opens the door for you. Or she could shoot you down like at M-16 machine gun. Don't say anything or make any moves until she gives you some indication of interest...and even then pick your words carefully.


It's funny because I've known for a while that I like her, but it's been growing lately. I got out of a 5 year relationship about a year ago, so I'm not ready for anything serious yet. Instead, I've been playing the field and having a ball, and my friend and always trade dating stories.


It's weird, I've always known I want to date her, but I don't want to date her yet. I guess I'm not ready for what I would want it to be and what I know I would start feeling. I kinda feel like I wanna keep her as a friend for a couple more years and then marry her.


She's confusing... we always banter, people always assume we're a couple, we call each other sweetie and she says things like "because you love me :p"

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Take your time then! I have a guy friend who has liked me since day one but I still do not feel the same way about him. We still hang out now and then. He's really fun to be with but I do not want to lead him on.


Who knows, she's probably waiting for the right time too.. seeing that you just got out of a 5 year relationship!

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She liked me at first but there are times when she tries to make it plenty clear she's not interested... but then there are other times where her actions and mannerisms seem to speak differently? Maybe I'm just hoping... Oh well...


I have no shortage of girls to play with so it's not like I'm desperate for only her... I'm just hoping I'll meet someone I like even more than her.

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You will meet that someone. That guy friend of mine, he's a great guy but just not my type. I didn't want to commit to him because I know I will meet someone I like even more than him and damn straight I did! Just enjoy the friendship you have with your friend. :)

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You will meet that someone. That guy friend of mine, he's a great guy but just not my type. I didn't want to commit to him because I know I will meet someone I like even more than him and damn straight I did! Just enjoy the friendship you have with your friend. :)


That's what I'm trying to do, but it's difficult sometimes. Last night at this party I was having a great time hanging out with her, and after a while she started talking to some guy that I could tell she was interested in, so I cruised around to see what girls there were. Sure enough, I found one that I ended up hooking up with and took her home, but it's not gonna go anywhere and I don't really like her. I would almost have rather spent the whole party talking to and hanging out with my friend.


My roommate always tells me "you love her" like the whole world can see... maybe they can. It just sucks at moments where it hits me and I realize it's true.

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That's what I'm trying to do, but it's difficult sometimes. Last night at this party I was having a great time hanging out with her, and after a while she started talking to some guy that I could tell she was interested in, so I cruised around to see what girls there were. Sure enough, I found one that I ended up hooking up with and took her home, but it's not gonna go anywhere and I don't really like her. I would almost have rather spent the whole party talking to and hanging out with my friend.


My roommate always tells me "you love her" like the whole world can see... maybe they can. It just sucks at moments where it hits me and I realize it's true.


If you are that in love with her, you ought to get away from her totally. Your friendship is a lie because it's based on a lie. The lie is that you DO NOT want to be her friend...you want MORE. The chances of that happening are slim at this point. If she's going after other guys in front of you at parties, she's trying to send you a message, loud and strong. Of course, she's not likely to split because she's getting something from you....but you're not getting what you want from her. She may very well be a user or you may be an amusement to her.


Get away from her now and don't look back. Once a female puts you in the platonic friend category you are pretty well doomed except in extreme cases. You could be tagging along behind her for a good while until she finds Mr. Right. When that happens she won't have ten seconds to spend with you...you won't even be on her radar. When she marries the guy, she'll seldom take your calls for fear doing so could upset her primary relationship. And when she has kids, you won't ever talk to her again.


Do yourself a favor and split. If there's even a morsel of a chance she may be interested in you, she'll call you and let you know once you move on.

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If you are that in love with her, you ought to get away from her totally. Your friendship is a lie because it's based on a lie. The lie is that you DO NOT want to be her friend...you want MORE. The chances of that happening are slim at this point. If she's going after other guys in front of you at parties, she's trying to send you a message, loud and strong. Of course, she's not likely to split because she's getting something from you....but you're not getting what you want from her. She may very well be a user or you may be an amusement to her.


Get away from her now and don't look back. Once a female puts you in the platonic friend category you are pretty well doomed except in extreme cases. You could be tagging along behind her for a good while until she finds Mr. Right. When that happens she won't have ten seconds to spend with you...you won't even be on her radar. When she marries the guy, she'll seldom take your calls for fear doing so could upset her primary relationship. And when she has kids, you won't ever talk to her again.


Do yourself a favor and split. If there's even a morsel of a chance she may be interested in you, she'll call you and let you know once you move on.


Too true! Seen that happened....

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I don't know what to tell you. I just watched...most of...Gone With The Wind. It has been years.


I really like that Rhett character. He is a no nonsense kind of man with really great lines.


Maybe you can morph Harry and Rhett into a Rarry.


Carry her up that red staircase.

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If you are that in love with her, you ought to get away from her totally. Your friendship is a lie because it's based on a lie. The lie is that you DO NOT want to be her friend...you want MORE. The chances of that happening are slim at this point. If she's going after other guys in front of you at parties, she's trying to send you a message, loud and strong. Of course, she's not likely to split because she's getting something from you....but you're not getting what you want from her. She may very well be a user or you may be an amusement to her.


Get away from her now and don't look back. Once a female puts you in the platonic friend category you are pretty well doomed except in extreme cases. You could be tagging along behind her for a good while until she finds Mr. Right. When that happens she won't have ten seconds to spend with you...you won't even be on her radar. When she marries the guy, she'll seldom take your calls for fear doing so could upset her primary relationship. And when she has kids, you won't ever talk to her again.


Do yourself a favor and split. If there's even a morsel of a chance she may be interested in you, she'll call you and let you know once you move on.


You know, you're probably right. I've been thinking that for a little while... I don't know what happens once she gets a boyfriend...

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I don't know what to tell you. I just watched...most of...Gone With The Wind. It has been years.


I really like that Rhett character. He is a no nonsense kind of man with really great lines.


Maybe you can morph Harry and Rhett into a Rarry.


Carry her up that red staircase.


Yeah, old Rhett carried the torch for Scarlett through the Ashley years, through Sherman's march, and on up until the point he said,


"Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!"


Time to tell Scarlett the news.

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Not time yet. I'm not done playing the field. I don't want to date her until I think I'm ready to be tied down for a long time. She's a keeper and I don't want to blow her out in a fling. That's why I didn't make a move when we first started hanging out, even though I knew for a fact she wanted me to.

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Have fun getting to know more people. It's good to take your time and see other people. By that time, you'll be more than ready to start something with someone and know what you want!

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Have fun getting to know more people. It's good to take your time and see other people. By that time, you'll be more than ready to start something with someone and know what you want!


Thanks, that's what I've been doing. There are some days where being strictly friends is totally fine with me, but there are times where I look at her and I have to look away and tell myself to forget about it. Real feelings suck.


btw, Lyssa, I like how your avatar changes daily.

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Thanks, that's what I've been doing. There are some days where being strictly friends is totally fine with me, but there are times where I look at her and I have to look away and tell myself to forget about it. Real feelings suck.


btw, Lyssa, I like how your avatar changes daily.


LOL - I've been there and you're absolutely right! It totally sucks!


Thanks - I just uploaded few latest pics.. lol - I might change it again!

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LOL - I've been there and you're absolutely right! It totally sucks!


Thanks - I just uploaded few latest pics.. lol - I might change it again!


too bad LS doesn't let us have a bunch of pics on file. I'm still too lazy to resize a pic for this stupid thing to fit, lol. I've been told I'm cute tho, hotornot says 8.5 after 650 ratings?


yeah, it comes in waves. i know she loves me as a person but i have NO CLUE if there will ever be a possibility for more. It was a conscious decision in the beginning because I knew I would rather have her as a friend forever than a fling for a short while.


I just hate those moments where I look at her and think "I love you" and then I turn around or change the subject to try and cover. I think she knows anyway tho...

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too bad LS doesn't let us have a bunch of pics on file. I'm still too lazy to resize a pic for this stupid thing to fit, lol. I've been told I'm cute tho, hotornot says 8.5 after 650 ratings?


yeah, it comes in waves. i know she loves me as a person but i have NO CLUE if there will ever be a possibility for more. It was a conscious decision in the beginning because I knew I would rather have her as a friend forever than a fling for a short while.


I just hate those moments where I look at her and think "I love you" and then I turn around or change the subject to try and cover. I think she knows anyway tho...


I don't seem to have any problem with the size. In fact, this is the only forum I know that does not require me to resize my pics. Maybe cause some of my pics are taken by my cellphone. I take a great personality over looks anytime!


Well, like I and everyone said - given time you will know where this may take you!

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so anybody else have a similar situation or story to share? it's kinda funny, i go anywhere with this girl and people assume we're together.


edit - no, it's not the girl in my avatar, although lately i'm kinda worried that she's starting to like me, lol

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so anybody else have a similar situation or story to share? it's kinda funny, i go anywhere with this girl and people assume we're together.


edit - no, it's not the girl in my avatar, although lately i'm kinda worried that she's starting to like me, lol


I used to go out too much with my ex that people think we were still together. I don't go out with him anymore! I don't want girls to think that he's out of the market!


So you finally resized your pic? ;)

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Yep, finally! Took me a while too. I wanted to use the one where I'm sitting on my motorcycle but it didn't come out right. :(


That's nice of you to not run on your ex's game, lol. I always tease Milena that she's running on my game. :p I caught a girl at swing dancing tonight hesitating for quite a while cuz she liked talking to me. She said her weekends were always busy but didn't say why. When I asked, she said she had a bf all embarrassed like I caught her, haha. I thought it was pretty funny. I told her to bring him next time.


edit - and you changed your pic again ;)

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Yep, finally! Took me a while too. I wanted to use the one where I'm sitting on my motorcycle but it didn't come out right. :(


That's nice of you to not run on your ex's game, lol. I always tease Milena that she's running on my game. :p I caught a girl at swing dancing tonight hesitating for quite a while cuz she liked talking to me. She said her weekends were always busy but didn't say why. When I asked, she said she had a bf all embarrassed like I caught her, haha. I thought it was pretty funny. I told her to bring him next time.


edit - and you changed your pic again ;)


I just didn't like people thinking that I was still with him!! It was funny that all the time we bumped into someone we know, we had to explain to them. Most of the time I would tell them "oh no, we're not back together" but he would just keep quiet about it. At that time, I took it as he actually wanted us back together. Wishful thinking for me! I loved him lots back then and would have given anything to have him back but thinking of how bad I got hurt.... it was best that I moved on!


LOL - that story of yours is funny. I like it when I catch people off guard about them having a GF!


Yes I did ;)

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I just didn't like people thinking that I was still with him!! It was funny that all the time we bumped into someone we know, we had to explain to them. Most of the time I would tell them "oh no, we're not back together" but he would just keep quiet about it. At that time, I took it as he actually wanted us back together. Wishful thinking for me! I loved him lots back then and would have given anything to have him back but thinking of how bad I got hurt.... it was best that I moved on!


LOL - that story of yours is funny. I like it when I catch people off guard about them having a GF!


Yes I did ;)


lol, yeah it's fun to bust people, especially when you catch them giving you "buying signs". This one girl at salsa was giving me all of them, hair combing/primping, playing with the necklace, leaning in and flirting, batting eyes, eye contact then looking away, etc...


haha, one time Milena and I swung by her work for a few, and her coworker asked "is this your boyfriend?" and Milena instantly says "No, that's Josh." It was hilarious.

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lol, yeah it's fun to bust people, especially when you catch them giving you "buying signs". This one girl at salsa was giving me all of them, hair combing/primping, playing with the necklace, leaning in and flirting, batting eyes, eye contact then looking away, etc...


haha, one time Milena and I swung by her work for a few, and her coworker asked "is this your boyfriend?" and Milena instantly says "No, that's Josh." It was hilarious.


:lmao: Yes it's fun!! I do that a lot to guys because they assumed I am single as well so they'd start selling themselves and you just know, when someone is taken! Especially right in front of you. Even online you can just kinda guess!


Wow - Salsa? That's awesome! I have always wanted to take Salsa lesson. Right now I am still doing belly-dancing and it's a good exercise!!


One Q - Why aren't you with Milena? You just don't see her that way or what? She very sweet looking, btw. :)

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Oooh, that's not her in the avatar, Milena's even cuter. That's Christina, and I think she does like me, but I just don't see it... I think she knows it would never work out anyway. Milena, I would looove to be with, but I'm just not ready yet. Still recovering from my breakup and busy manwhoring around. :D


Belly dancing eh? hmm.... Salsa is fun, and Swing is a blast. You should try it.


"even online"? Are you busting me for flirting with you? lol :p

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