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well me and my ex boyfriend had gone out for a year and a half which isn't that long but it felt like all the pain he put me through lasted forever.

the first two months of our relationship i thought he was the one for me perfect, but until i realized the person who he really was. About three months into our relationship he started screaming at me, calling me ugly and fat and saying how he could do much better, but i was too scared to lose him to say anything back so i would just take it. it got to the point where he would yell at me for the smallest things such as not calling him baby or making a weird face at him. he was extremely controlling and i was not allowed to have any guy friends and or hangout with any guys. He cheated on me numerous times, more than i can count. Everyday he would go online and talk to tons of girls and try and hook up with them. It got to the point where whenever we fought he would get so mad and hit me, not jsut a tap but a hit as if to knock me out. He would choke me and tell me he wanted to kill me, or whenever we broke up(which happened everyday with him, bc whenever he got mad he would break up with me) he would tell me he was going to kill me. he was 6'2 and about 180 llbs i am only 5'2 and 120 llbs, he used to punch me in the stomach to the point where i couldn't breath. i decided to get a job where i met my new boyfriend he is amazing, he never yells at me and we have been going out for almost 3 months and i have known him for 7 months and we have never gotten into a fight. because of him i realized what a jerk my ex boyfriend was and broke it off with him, but i still think about what happened everyday and i think im faller farther and farther into a trap and i need help. i am really happy with my new boyfriend ive realized that i deserve more.. but i still cant get the things my ex boyfriend did out of my head. i don't trust anyone, when someone tells me im pretty i don't beleive them, i get tons of compliments from guys but all i think about is how my ex boyfriend never meant the good things he said about me so i dont beleive anyone. i really need help. i just face the facts that its all over and im okay, i have nightmares about him almost everynight. my boyfriend now was the one who saved me from all this, i just need more than being out of the relationship to help me, i dont want to fall into depression but im afraid i will, please help.

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I think you should go see a counselor because you have really bad thinking.


It sort of seems like you expect guys to tell you what you are. If the guy says you're bad you believe it. And if another guy doesn't ever say that you feel better.


It's like you're giving too much power to these guys. You are allowing them to be responsible for how you feel about yourself.


That's not good.

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