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Should I ask her out?

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There's a girl at work that i've known for awhile. I'm kinda into her and a couple people told me that she's said that she thought I was cute and liked me. I really want to ask her out but the thing is she's got a boyfriend...but he lives half way across the country and they actually never even met in person before.


They've been "dating" for a few months...A few people told her she should go out with me but she told them she already has a boyfriend, and when they said he was thousands of miles away and I was right here she didn't say anything... should I ask her out? we live in new york and her boyfriend lives in colorado.

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Well, maybe it's just me, but if a guy asked me out knowing I had a boyfriend, I'd turn him down only on principle.


If you like this girl, treat her with respect by acknowledging her relationship. Long-distance relationships are very hard on people and not always pan out well, but just because they haven't met each other doesn't mean the feelings and the relationship aren't real.


Be her friend and try not to be too obvious. If she becomes available at some point in the future, you will know.



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