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Why does my girlfriend hate me now

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My problem is an old one. We got together and everything was great.


I told her my religion, I am a pagan, and it has all gone into the crapper since. I just don't understand women. I am the same guy I was before, but now, according to her, I am the devil. Now let me ask you, how the heck is that fair?


I have done nothing different. I am not running around the backyard naked when the moon is full. I am not sacrificing any babies, pun intended, but yet she still wishes to leave.


I depend on her to help me with my rent now. She is the one that wanted to move in, but now wants to leave.


What am I to do?

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You guys moved in together without discussing religion?! Then religion cannot be that important to either one of you, in which case maybe a bit of education on what being a Pagan means will turn her around.

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Sorry man, Jesus is just a better lover than you! :bunny:


(Hey! I found a use for that bunny smiley after all!)


I depend on her to help me with my rent now.


Why in hell did you move in with a woman before discussing personal subjects like this? You should get to know a woman BEFORE you move in with her, not after. You should also NEVER move in with a woman unless you're both planning a wedding.

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You guys moved in together without discussing religion?! Then religion cannot be that important to either one of you, in which case maybe a bit of education on what being a Pagan means will turn her around.


I hate to break it to you, religion means quite a bit to me. Being a discordian isn't exactly something you talk about with everyone. She is a Christian. I am an ex Christian. When religion was brought up in our convos, I told her that I do believe in God. I didn't tell her that my God isn't the same one as yours. Pagans are generally treated like crap from alot of people.


I get tired of the uniformed people who call me a satan worshiper. Crap, I don't even believe satan in the Christian context even exists.

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Sorry man, Jesus is just a better lover than you! :bunny:


(Hey! I found a use for that bunny smiley after all!)




Why in hell did you move in with a woman before discussing personal subjects like this? You should get to know a woman BEFORE you move in with her, not after. You should also NEVER move in with a woman unless you're both planning a wedding.


I respect your position, but personally, I feel you are wrong. Society now does not demand that people get married before they live together.


If you would like to argue religion, I would be more than happy to. I am afraid that you probably won't like anything I have to say. I don't believe that your Jesus is who He is made out to be. I think a person that would be known as Jesus existed, but the son of God. No.


That is a personal opinion. I am not sure this website has a forum for such a discussion.


Do you know anything about Eris other than the normal response that you are going to hell for believing in such things?

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I respect your position, but personally, I feel you are wrong. Society now does not demand that people get married before they live together.


This is not about society but the fact that your now in a difficult situation because she didn't fully know you before you guys decided to move in together. I feel this is both of your faults but again for her not to be able to respect your religion is a loss for her. At least you got this early on and not later down the road. Oh and its not b/c she is a woman....al ot of people in general or a bit close minded.


Did she sign the lease at all? Because if so she is responsible to pay for it anyway but if not....Try to get her to stay as long as possible while looking for a roommate(if you have to space). Or see if you can break the lease and explain to the landlord your situation (of course after you've found a possible new place. Good luck, I know how hard it is to pay rent by yourself.

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Yeah in the end, I am screwed. She ain't on the lease so if she goes, I gotta find someone else. I hope she doesn't go. I gotta make her understand that being a Christian, isn't that big a deal now. I don't understand being that closed minded when dealing with a person on such a personal issue. Religion is a very personal issue, don't you think so?


I am not into the whole you gotta get married before you live together crap. No offense. I appreciate your position but in this society, marriage is a joke. I can't believe you would even say that it was.:lmao:

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Yeah in the end, I am screwed. She ain't on the lease so if she goes, I gotta find someone else. I hope she doesn't go. I gotta make her understand that being a Christian, isn't that big a deal now. I don't understand being that closed minded when dealing with a person on such a personal issue. Religion is a very personal issue, don't you think so?


I am not into the whole you gotta get married before you live together crap. No offense. I appreciate your position but in this society, marriage is a joke. I can't believe you would even say that it was.:lmao:


I've dealt with a lot of stubborn people and a person's resistance to new thoughts and ideas can cross into any situation....especially if they don't want to change.

And no I don't believe marriage is a joke. Its only seen as joke when people don't take it seriously....such as living together before they're married, get married too soon, not putting their entire effort into working on their marriage, etc...So marriage isn't the joke but our entire society in general....in my opinion :o

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Do you know anything about Eris other than the normal response that you are going to hell for believing in such things?


Eris works in my local fish 'n chip shop, does a fabulous battered sausage.

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Society now does not demand that people get married before they live together.


I know that. I've been there, done it. But if a couple is 100% serious about each other, why not marry? If a couple is only kinda serious about each other, then they should remain in their seperate homes instead of diving into a world where they share their finances, house, and bed.

This whole "see if we're compatible by living together" crap reeks of insecurity. You should damn well know when you find someone you want to live with and share your life with.


When two people who are insecure about their relationship move in together, it usually spells disaster. With marriage, you're legally bound and you have to make DAMN SURE that you want to do this or else you're gonna get screwed up the arse big time. When you're legally bound, you have to make more of an effort to make things work or else you're gonna get screwed up the arse big time. Marriage is a serious decision, and unfortunately many people don't take it seriously.


Common-law is a not-so-serious decision, but it puts the people into the same situation as a married couple. They invest in things together, but one person could walk out at any time and leave the other with all the bills, house payments, and all that other good stuff. There's no legal binding that gives the couple pressure and reason to work out the differences in the relationship. They can just screw over the other and not have any repercussions.


If you would like to argue religion, I would be more than happy to.


To hell with religion, I'm an atheist.


I don't believe that your Jesus is who He is made out to be.


I wipe my arse with my Jesus, what do you do with yours?


Please don't make judgments based on the opinions of others; you may just be fighting someone who is 100% on your side. But this isn't a thread to discuss religion, so we'll just leave it at that :)


So marriage isn't the joke but our entire society in general


Nicely said.

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I hate to break it to you, religion means quite a bit to me. Being a discordian isn't exactly something you talk about with everyone. She is a Christian. I am an ex Christian. When religion was brought up in our convos, I told her that I do believe in God. I didn't tell her that my God isn't the same one as yours. Pagans are generally treated like crap from alot of people.


I get tired of the uniformed people who call me a satan worshiper. Crap, I don't even believe satan in the Christian context even exists.



I completely understand your position on not just telling everyone that you are Pagan, however it is a critical data point, especially if your religion is important to you, for someone with him your suggest sharing a life! I would never contemplate living with someone unless I knew where they stood on my religion.


Having said all that - I completely agree, you are the same man she decided to move in with in the first place. Do you believe her "hatred" is driven by her religious beliefs or simply her lack of understanding of what being Pagan means? If it is the second I repeat my suggetion of earlier that some education is in order.


If there is some deeper thing going on for her, where she "hates" Pagans that frankly that is simply racist and it is better to find out now. If that is the case, I say run for the hills!


Good luck to you.

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Eris works in my local fish 'n chip shop, does a fabulous battered sausage.


Not funny. Do you get some sick and twisted pleasure making fun of other's beliefs?

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So DarkStar, how long did you date before you moved in together?


I don't get why religion never came up before. I usually tell a guy that i've dated several times that I'm Pagan so it doesn't blindside him later on.


Some people just can't deal. She's obviously one of them. I'm sorry this happened to you. Hopefully she'll realize you are the same guy and come to her senses, then move back in and help with the damn rent!


Blessed Be!

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We dated for several months before moving in together. Religion never came up much, and when it did, I side stepped it. I know what most Christians think about Pagans, and it isn't good.

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We dated for several months before moving in together. Religion never came up much, and when it did, I side stepped it. I know what most Christians think about Pagans, and it isn't good.


So...you side stepped it? Sounds like you KNEW she'd react badly and just didn't want to deal with it. How long did you think you could hide it from her while living together?


You should have discussed it earlier.


With all the thousands of young Pagan/Wiccan girls around why did you start dating a Christian?

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One of the best tricks a dodgy salesman can use is to convince you that all other products are going to burn you.


Mainstream religion works the same way... someone got her good and "taught" her that all other religions but hers are evil!

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So...you side stepped it? Sounds like you KNEW she'd react badly and just didn't want to deal with it. How long did you think you could hide it from her while living together?


You should have discussed it earlier.


With all the thousands of young Pagan/Wiccan girls around why did you start dating a Christian?


She is a good gal. I can't take that away from her. Maybe we should of discussed it earlier, but that didn't happen. I just wish to her to come back. Discordia isn't that bad. I am not a terrible person. I just want her back.


I talked to her yesterday. She realizes that people are different. I don't know if it will do me any good, but it sounds as if it will.

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Not funny. Do you get some sick and twisted pleasure making fun of other's beliefs?


you calling me a liar? do you hold an absolute belief that she doesn't work in a chippy?

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