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What to make of this?

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Received this email from LDR. Thoughts? (Clue: I'm not impressed with this email at all....)



"I'm sorry! Have been quite busy. Have still to hear (tomorrow) from my travel agent. It is getting close to Xmas time, so the chances are that I wont get (any!) ticket at all. Will let you know tomorrow morning the outcome. (I am bracing myself for the worst - i.e. having to spend money that I dont have for a new ticket). I should hate that. Hope you are well and fine and not to cross with me. You called me a couple of times when I was on the run, standing on the threshhold and being late already to my work. Hope you ll understand I could not answer you then and there. There is a time difference, you know. have to run again back to my books now."

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How long has it been since you two spoke? Sounds to me like he's ignored the relationship but now that he knows he'll be back in town he's testing the waters to see if you'll be there for him.


I don't know your history - so maybe I am reading this wrong, but that's my take on it.

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Again I don't know your history - but the tone of the email sounded hopeful to me. As in he is hoping you will not be angry with him.

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I'm sorry if this is totally out of line, but I'm not sure what to make of that email. I know I wouldn't be impressed what so ever if my significant other had've sent that to me. I think the overall tone that he is projecting in the email is one of annoyance. Your partner should NEVER be annoyed that you called at an inconvienent time! It also seems as though he's almost making excuses for not getting the ticket or reasons why he can't. Just doesn't sit well with me.

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To me, and once again I don't know your history... how serious you are.. how long you've been together, etc.... but it sounded pretty impersonal to me. Sounds as if he's preparing you for the fact he may not come to see you (Do you have a trip planned) I wouldn't be impressed either.

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I wouldn't be impressed either. But jumping to conclusions is never a good idea. As for annoyance...I did not read that, he was just explaining why he did not answer the phone, if you really always called the second he was leaving then no one is to blame. However, 10 days without talking is not good, did you have any other kind of contact? E-mails, or sms, letters...anything?


He seemed to be on the run while writing this e-mail, so first of all you make sure that he takes some time off whatever he is doing to talk to you.

Tell him, that 10 days are a long time and that his short e-mail didn't make you happy.


We can't see what he wanted to tell you, as we do not know either him or you, so just listen to what your heart tells you. A no-drama approach always suits me best, however. :)

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