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How should I go about this?

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To make things short and simple, I think this guy friend of mine likes me and I kind of like him and would like to see how a relationship would work between us. How do I "ask him out"?


-I was considering "Do you like me" straight out, but people have said that is a bad idea.

-Then there's "Do you want to go out with me" but that sounds so juvenile...

-Or "When you get back from your trip, would you like to see a movie with me?"


I think I might go with the third option but I'm not sure, is it too forward?

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Well, it's not really that complicated asking a friend out. I've been asked out and happily agreed in the past. It's not the asking, but rather dealing with the rejection that is the crux. It might be safer to just start flirting with this guy and see how he reacts. Touch his hand at the movie, for instance. Give him the kind of hug you would give a boyfriend, without the leaning over. Let your hips move into his. Things like that. See what he does and then that might guide your actions.

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dating a friend is complicated . flirting is your best option . go out on dates n flirt and see is he is flirting back or still friendly with you. remember he might be confused from your flirting so this will take time , so give him plenty of opportunities & hints so that he is clear what your intentions are.


'Do you want to go out with me' is not juvenile when it comes to a friend . it is with a stranger. its a much faster but riskier method to find out is if there is potential beyond friendship.

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Thanks for your advice Poboy and Timberlane! I think I'll do as you say; flirt with him and see how hew he reacts. I'm trying to drop signals already, things like touching his arm when I say goodbye, stuff like that. I think continuing with this approach would be best. Our leavers is coming up and we'll be spending three days together with a bunch of friends, so I'll hopefully be able to work out how he feels about me...

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