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Am I naive to believe

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The weekend before Labor day I met the most marvelous man. We seem to hit it off very quickly then after about a week or so he said we needed to slow things down. We did and all seemed well for a time. As things were slowing down the bottom completely fell out of the sex and he said not to worry. It has now been close to 2 months with no sex, even though, I forgot to mention, the sex was phenominal before the slow down. Previous to our meeting he said he was on several dating websites and that he only visited them now for an ego boost. I cancelled most of my subscriptions to dating sites and told him of this. I asked that he do the same and he said he would. Now, a month later after I went to clear any remaining websites, I saw that not only had he not canceled! he is still current! I really have never encountered a situation of this type. I asked again that he refrain from this activity and he laughed and said o.k. What should I think of something of this sort? He says he loves me and wants to be with me for a long time yet something lurks in the back of my brain. Any suggestions on a course of action? I love this man deeply and want to believe him but something holds me back from complete trust of him. The actions aren't equalling the words.

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something holds me back from complete trust of him. The actions aren't equalling the words.


What more do you need than this?? Sounds like he's got you on the back burner and waiting for something better to come along. You should suggest seeing other people (he probably already is) and follow through with it. If he's not going to be serious, you shouldn't be either. You deserve better than that.

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Saxis is right. What ever the reason, I think he's looking for more women than you.


Can you say "PLAYER"??? I know that you can!

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