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gloomy update

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Earlier this year I made a huge effort to get back in touch with an ex of mine. I visted old friends, asked around and finally found someone who knew how to get in touch with her. She and I started talking and I was all set on getting to know her again. I had a sense that she wasn't feeling that same way, so I emailed her a touching message, see how she would reacted and from that point on it was down hill. There was no more calls, no more talks of meeting and finally her email address became invalid.




After that for a couple of months I was still hoping to hear from her. I even prayed for it. Then I just lost interest in it. Now it's been six months, and today she emailed me. She didn't mention anything why she suddenly went cold. She was like just so you don't think I'm a mean girl here's my brand new number. then to end it she asked if like hockey.



Has anyone just lost interest completely like this? I don't even feeling replying. Does she expect to call her after all this bs?

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Hey Kyle,

It sounds to me like she had someone else she was playing the field with back then, now she doesn't. I wouldn't bother with her.


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Yeah it recently happened to me. I gave up the chase and it seems just as soon as you do here they come. It's like they can smell it. I ended up being a fwb. Like Scorpio said if you have feelings for her it's not worth it.

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