r4836 Posted November 10, 2007 Share Posted November 10, 2007 Hello everyone, I've posted here before about two or three times but that was a few weeks ago, so let me bring you up to speed. Well, first off I'm a college student (2nd year), and when classes began in September I met this nice girl in my calculus class. At first it wasn't like I was head over heals for her, or anything like that but I did think that she looked cute. Over the course of the quarter, she, another guy in the class, and I became pretty good friends - we'd joke around, talk, and help each other in class, etc. After getting to know her, I started to like her so it's not like it's just lust or infatuation because to tell you the truth I really don't care about having sex with her (well, I do but you know what I mean) - I just like spending time with her. Anyways, I was hesitant to ask her out because I didn't want to make things awkward in class, and I especially didn't want to ruin the friendship. Nevertheless, I thought through it and decided to ask her out. This was about a week before Halloween, and she said yes. That Saturday we went to the movies, a haunted house, and thereafter got something to eat. After I got her back to her apartment she said that she had a great time, gave me a hug, said and that we'd see each other in class on Monday. When I got home which was about forty-five minutes later, I already had a message from her on myspace just telling me again that she had a great time. Well, the date went well, if it could be called date since I don't know if she just thought we were hanging out as friends or an actual date. Anyways, we spoke for hours about everything and anything and so I was really happy because I thought I wasn't going to find anything to say (I'm kind of on the shy side.). And it turns out that we have a few things in common, and she was very open and told me some personal things. Anyways, I've asked her out two more times since then but she's turned me down by telling me that she's busy. Now, I'm pretty sure she's telling me the truth since it is nearing the end of the quarter and everybody is busy with papers, and finals - as am I but I was willing to put that aside which is very unlike me, but I've digressed so back on track, she's still very nice to me in class like always. As a matter of fact, we now talk more than we used to, and she has used some terms of endearment like sweetheart, honey, and sweetie out of nowhere when I ask her for help on some math homework (about three or four times). Now, my issue here is that I'm not sure if I'm reading her signals correctly. Like I told you, she has used terms of endearment, she has placed her head on my shoulder in class a few times, took my arm when we were in the haunted house, etc... The thing is that she's the friendly, talkative, and out going person who seems like the type who would do these kind of things with her friends. Also, another thing that confuses me a bit is that we sometimes send messages over myspace and earlier in the beginning she wrote more in her messages and was more funny per se, but now she just writes to the point and not much else which leaves me with nothing more to say, and by the way it's always me who's initiates the messaging on myspace, hardly ever her (but she's the opposite in person). Maybe I'm just looking too much into this, but I just don't know if she thinks that me asking her out was just a friendly hangout or something else? Do she like me as more than a friend? these are just a few of the questions rattling in my head. Just one last thing, I was thinking that maybe I should just ask her about it, but perhaps it's not the best thing to do since I would be putting her on the spot, and maybe taking it slow would be better as we slowly find out how we feel about each other, but the thing is that school is almost out for winter break until January, and she's going to be going back home for the holidays (California) immediately after school lets out which is about a week and a half from now, and I really don't want to wait to either have that conversation with her or take it slow with her until next year. Well, I'm done with my rambling for now. I'm very sorry for having you read this entire novel here, but I would really appreciate any advise - Thanks. Link to post Share on other sites
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