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Not sure how to ask her.

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OK a little backround...

I have been dating this girl for about 1 mounth. We have gone on many dates, to the theater, to church parties, and just hanging out at each others houses. I love the relationship I have with her. This is my first relationship in about 2 years and I am a little rusty on some aspects. During our dates we have cuddled, talked and watched movies. I think that we are going great, but I con't tell if she also thinks so.


So how do you think that I should go about asking her how she thinks the relationship is going for her, and/or what I can do to make it better?


I haven't kissed her yet either... Do you think that I should just go for it or ...?

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Just as you told us, ask her how she thinks things are going between the both of you. Then, if she says "good", or "great", look deeply into her eyes, lean over, and give her a sweet, gentle kiss.

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Thanks Jessica. I loved your very timely reply to my question. But do you think that I should try to get a more detailed answer than "great" or just leave it at that. Great doen't really tell me much...


anyboty else out there, thats got an opinion would be very welcomed.

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Don't overthink it and just go with the flow. Don't ask for her permission for a kiss. Just give it to her and see what her reaction is...that will tell you whether or not the relationship is great.


When you do kiss her, make sure to say something like "that was nice." The first kiss can sometimes be akward.


However, when it comes to sleeping with her, obviously, you need to talk about it first. But, kissing? Well, that's more flirty in the beginning.


Good luck!

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I say accept even just a good or great to make your move, make you move and kiss her, then ask her later on to elaborate what she likes about the relationship, and if there can be any improvements made. Check for body language and verbal cues to get the whole picture of how she feels, because most women may say things are going great, but their actions don't match their words. How old are you both anyway?

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If you want to kiss her then sack up and kiss her. If she doesn't like it, find someone else. Simple.

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You shouldn't have to ask her how the relationship is going. Get some confidence...if you are aware you can tell exactly how it is going without her saying a word. By asking her, it shows that you lack confidence, especially this early in the relationship. That isn't going to help you right now...

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