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I posted a while back..i feel for my a really good friend of mine who is a girl...and there has been alot of parties lately and at everyone of them i feel a connection with her so at the last party i started talking to her about people that she likes and she told me that she likes this other guy at the party and then begged me to tell her who i liked so i told her it was her...and now she keeps saying shes a horrible person for hurting me but really she had nothing to do with it..i let myself fall for her..and she also says she wants to stay friends and doesnt want things to change..but i cant be around her without thinking of her romantically so i dont know what to do..i just want to forget her and stop being around her because i know that the feelings arent mutual but itll just be so hard...what do you think i should do?

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You MUST figure out if the reward of your friendship is well worth what torture you will most likley go through while watching her date and be flirtatious with other guys.



If you feel its not worth it then you must tell her and explain the reasoning behind it.



If you choose to stick it out then truly STICK it out! Dont bounce back and forth with her as this will cause resentment. Do not ask her about anything romantic for a while, it will only cause pain. If she is a good friend then she will not divulge anything about dates for a while anyway. Explain to her that you have feelings for her and in a nice way, ask her to take them into consideration while your at parties together.


**Here is the biggest thing to remember: This is not all about you! yes it sucks that a person whom you love very much does not return the same love BUT now that person is in fear of loosing a close friend. You BOTH have a hand in this and its up to BOTH of you to make a friendship work.



I was in an identical situation and i am still great friends with the women i love, its been VERY difficult....... but VERY worth it!


Good luck to you in your choice!

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