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A serious question

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What posesses someone to tell someone they dumped that they "miss them" and/or "they love them", and then proceed to tell them they don't actually want to be with them, to move on, etc. And this sometimes after months or years.


I'm so tired of hearing this same situation over and over on LS. What makes something it's somehow LESS cruel to say "I love" and "I miss" only to follow it up with the "truth"?


Are people just flaming idiots? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


FOR GODSSAKES PEOPLE- if you're gonna tell them it'll never work out and to move on, SAY JUST THAT!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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I'm so tired of hearing this same situation over and over on LS


Agreed. A good half of the posts here can be answered with one sentence... Cut contact and move on with your life.

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What's worse: A couple weeks ago my X even said, "I know you don't want to hear this, but I miss you.".


WTF!!! So cruel... I had to remind her that I wouldn't ever talk to her if it wasn't for our daughter.

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Agreed. A good half of the posts here can be answered with one sentence... Cut contact and move on with your life.


Yeah yeah, we've all heard this one. But that isn't what the question was asking about.

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Yeah yeah, we've all heard this one. But that isn't what the question was asking about.


care to explain what your question was.. because I actually understood it like he did and I agreed with what he said... :o

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What posesses someone to tell someone they dumped that they "miss them" and/or "they love them", and then proceed to tell them they don't actually want to be with them, to move on, etc?


See above.


Reading is fundamental.

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I think they say that because they really DO miss/love you. They feel guilty about what they've done to you. They want you to know that it was real for them. By making you feel not so bad about the breakup, it makes them feel better about what they did.


Of course, it's complete horse manure, coming from them. After what they did to you, their words and actions hold no credibility whatsoever.


(I use the term "you" generally, to mean the person who got sh*t all over ... a place I've been more times than I care to admit.)

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I think they say that because they really DO miss/love you. They feel guilty about what they've done to you. They want you to know that it was real for them. By making you feel not so bad about the breakup, it makes them feel better about what they did.


Of course, it's complete horse manure, coming from them. After what they did to you, their words and actions hold no credibility whatsoever.


(I use the term "you" generally, to mean the person who got sh*t all over ... a place I've been more times than I care to admit.)



It's bloody madness, is what gets me. I'm the biggest bleeding heart sap you'll ever meet- Kleenex commercials make me wanna cry- and I would NEVER say something so completely idiotic.


And yet there are so many people who can't seem to comprehend what a cruel action saying such things are.


I hate having it done to me, and I hate more seeing it done to other folks. Next time I'm in reaching distance of someone who does this, I'm punching them. :mad:

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Reading is fundamental.


Okay, I'll try again.


What makes something it's somehow LESS cruel to say "I love" and "I miss" only to follow it up with the "truth"?


This question reminds me of the worst fortune cookie that I ever got. I keep it in my wallet in case things make too much sense. Here's what it says:


Watch your relations with other people carefully are reserved


Now to answer your second question:


Are people just flaming idiots?



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You can love someone to your very core and not still be compatible with that person. Lack of compatibility, despite your love, will make you both miserable over time. That's where these, "I love you but we can't be together"-type comments come from.


"Sometimes love just ain't enough."

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