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I love her and need to show her

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We all know actions speak louder than words, so a friend opened a tab at the bar under my name so I could buy drinks all night, later he asked her if I had a chance with her without my knowing but later told me, she said that its not going to happen but couldnt say why. last night i cried myself to sleep out of frustration of what to do continue trying to go to the next level with her or forget about her (which i cant do because I Love Her). This is all after I asked her out about 2 months ago and her reason was she didnt want to lose the friendship we have so is it a good thing that she has no reason now? Does that mean her feelings are changing? I honestly dont care if I end up with her as long as shes happy because that makes me happy but im going to hope and pray that something happens between us because it would make the situation alot easier. any advice would be appreciated

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You are right that actions speak louder then words. What your problem is, is that your actions are giving the wrong message.


An open tab with your name is basically saying either im a sucker or that even though she's not interested and will not give you anything in return, you will still buy her stuff.


Plus if you keep giving her attention and running after her it shows her that you are easy and therefore of little value. Imagine this as an example. If we all got paid 1 million dollars an hour, winning a million dollars wouldnt be worth anything.


And no im not saying you are worthless at all. What im saying is that you have to increase your preceived value in her eyes. Basically you have to flirt with other women, and not pay much attention to her. Then she'll think, whats he got thats so special, and why isnt he interested in me anymore. Why are all these women always talking to him. hmmmmmmm.


Thats when the magic happens. That is when your precieved social value is larger then hers so she will start to chase you.


Private me and i'll send you some material.

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