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past lovers


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I'm getting married in 2 months, love evrything about her, but can't get over her past. She was only with 4 other guys,


but 1 was an older guy who was a real loser, one was a pot head, and one she just had sex with off and on for 2 years.


The other I don't know about. Not only does all this bother me, but I get the feeling there is more she isn't telling me. This is really tearing me up. Please help!!!!

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I'm getting married in 2 months, love evrything about her, but can't get over her past. She was only with 4 other guys, but 1 was an older guy who was a real loser, one was a pot head, and one she just had sex with off and on for 2 years. The other I don't know about. Not only does all this bother me, but I get the feeling there is more she isn't telling me. This is really tearing me up. Please help!!!! presley there are alot of things that we have all done in our pasts that are none of the other persons busines... be glad that you were told or found out about some things... what if she were married to one of these guys before? should they not have had sex??? what about you how many girls did you kiss before you met her??? should it matter??? I really mean is that you nor her just started to live when you met each other... which means you and this girl have had some life experiences that have tought you both something.... if you can't trust her now you prob. never will... but don't let it be because of something she did in the past... let he who has not sinned cast the first stone... I'm sure there are some things you would "rather" not discuss with her.... chill out .. sit down be calm and discuss your feelings with her..good luck
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Well, hey haven't U got a past? She has been honest and told you the truth about her life and now you are using it against her. Unfair. Talk to her - but I think maybe you want her to tell you that sex with you is much better than it was with the other guys - it's you she's marrying isn't it? I guess if this is a big problem in YOUR head then it's a big problem -period. Talk it over before the big day or you are asking for trouble - cos things like this come out in the fights and arguments ...

I'm getting married in 2 months, love evrything about her, but can't get over her past. She was only with 4 other guys, but 1 was an older guy who was a real loser, one was a pot head, and one she just had sex with off and on for 2 years. The other I don't know about. Not only does all this bother me, but I get the feeling there is more she isn't telling me. This is really tearing me up. Please help!!!!
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