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Wanna go back to friends!

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I've known this guy for about 4 years, and we've always gotten along really well. About 3 months ago we were both single for the first time in ages and afer a drunken night ended up in bed together. We've been going out as a 'couple' ever since but the truth is (although he is very good looking) I don't think we are suited for a romantic relationship. I desperately want to get back to how things were but I don't think this is possible. I feel like we've been faking a sexual relationship just for the sake of it - does that sound weird? And is it possible to become best friends with this guy again?? As fun as it is making out with him, I don't want to 'settle'.

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But you will have to talk to him about it. Ask if you can back up to where you were (back in neutral). Try to validate his feelings, be kind and gentle and hopefully he can respond back that way.


Would you be jealous if he started dating someone else?


Good luck.

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