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great date no call


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ok to sum it up incredible date followed up by another date at his asking now after date two no call do guys follow a so many day thing before they call after a date or is it that it wasnt such a good date after all and i m pretty sure im being paranoid arent i

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I think it depends on the guy. But one of my friends just sort of did that. After going out once with someone I introduced her to, she didn't reutrn his calls, even though when I asked her she said he was cute, funny and sweet. The thing is that there were 3 guys asking her out at once and she just chose the one she liked most, which ended up not being the guy I introduced her to.


Not that I'm saying this is your situation, but it is a possibility. Some guy friends say after one or two dates, you don't need to call just to tell someone it's not going to happen. That's a little cruel. Why don't you call him and find out what's going on?

ok to sum it up incredible date followed up by another date at his asking now after date two no call do guys follow a so many day thing before they call after a date or is it that it wasnt such a good date after all and i m pretty sure im being paranoid arent i
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